Totally forgot to his publish on this yesterday. It might have something to do with 3 pending blog posts open on my screen right now…my next blog post will give you a good laugh at my expense!
1. I’ve been in a funk about sharing and documenting my life here. I’ve been posting here and here and I need to snap out of it already and get back to using this blog for the intended purpose and show it (and myself and my family) some love.
2. I joined the gym last week. I hurt. My knee that has been bothering me for months hurts. But it feels SO good to be back in the gym. I love it already. Pain and all.
3. Ty went to visit my mom for spring break and had a blast. I was worried about him not eating well while he was there but he did a complete meal plan and actually followed it. The few times he did not eat well, it made him sick. I’ve ruined junk food for him. Poor guy couldn’t even eat popcorn at the movies without a belly ache. Oh well, he’ll thank me someday. I’m glad they had a good time regardless. They went fishing and go cart racing and I’m thrilled that even though he no longer thinks I am cool, he adores my mom.
4. I am SOOOOO doing this with my kids. And they are going to love it.
5. Hey Marti, I think Andy needs this! Genius right?!
6. The wait to bring our new puppy home is excruciating. Soon, very soon! Our name selections have hit a road block though. We all have our favorites and no one wants to budge. Jase and I actually agree which is rather impressive.
- Jase & Lynds: Maggie
- Ty: Sophie
- Taryn: Katie (we are still shocked she gave up on the idea of naming it after her best friend Abby)
- Teagan: Tarzan IKEA Coconut Fluffernutter
7. Oh good grief Teagan!
8. I’m thinking that I really want to make a list of free/low cost things to do with the kids this summer. I have to do something to keep them busy since the pool isn’t an option. With gas prices what they are we just can’t afford to commute in to Austin 4-5 days a week since I already do that, as does Jason, to work. We opted out of summer camp for Taryn because the food allergy thing is just too complicated with teen counselors. So….I’m going to have to be resourceful. I see lots of crafts and creating and storytime and I’m not sure what else in our future. Ideas???
9. I got to thinking about #8 because Taryn and Teagan spent the entire week of spring break bickering. Maybe it was because Ty was gone….I dunno but there was no love lost for either one as she headed out the door and back to school on Monday morning. Sigh.
10. New floors go in the kids new natural bedroom next week. I can’t wait for it to be done already! Pics to follow just as soon as it is complete.
Oh, I have rodeo pics to post soon too! See I’m back on track already =)
I loke Fluffernutter! LOL. I need to move in with you and my kids so you can detoxiefy us! Really? Even popcorn gave him a stomach ache? I’m making slow progress but my kids are really fighting me on the healthy stuff, I swear there are days they barely eat because they refuse what I serve them. Then I feel like a bad mom because they didn’t eat much.
Hi Lyndsey…. about your hurting knee… get it checked out by a Chiropractor. I was in your shoes. I joined the gym in January, and my knee pain became worse, saw a chiropractor, and the exrays to my lower back and knee showed how my exercise was actually making my symptoms worse with the added pressure. I’m in my third week of therapy and feeling so much better.
I love Teagan’s suggestion! And you could call her Coco, or Fluff. =)
What about Deep Eddy Pool? It’s spring-fed and not chlorinated. The only thing is I would ask the pedi about ear tubes. I think T might need to wear earplugs in non-chlorinated water.