and it’s actually Tuesday, how about that?!
1. Our lives feel like total chaos right now. Maybe it’s the fact that summer is here and that means more time outside, more go, go, go. Maybe its the fact that our business just opened up this week, officially, and its been a lot of work getting things ready to go. Ty’s birthday party coming up, Jase is busy with work, Taryn’s taken a liking to using her outside voice 24/7, which Teagan is not liking. And Teagan is teetering on that 4 month growth spurt, it’s coming, and the thought of it makes me tired. He’ll want to nurse non-stop. He’s been really fussy the last few days, thankfully, I ordered a new sling last night so I can wear him more comfortably. Thanks Nancy for the recommendation! I love the way she wears her daughter so that she can see out, Teagan is going to dig that.
2. This is their thing. Never let’s Mommy do it, just Daddy. I secretly love that though. Makes me go awwwwwww….
3. We hit the pool this morning with some friends. Our neighborhood pool is awesome, it slopes down so the little ones can play safely, has a lot of sprinklers and buckets of water that splashes down from a big pole, pretty cool. Well, at the end of the slope are a couple of stairs that lead to the deep end. Taryn never goes out that far. Today I was at the edge of the pool with Teagan and Taryn stepped right off the stairs and down into the water. I jumped towards her and started to grab her and yelled out to Alli who was close to her as well. She grabbed her and I pulled her up by the arms. Scary. We now have a new rule not to go past the blue line that marks the start of the stairs. It wasn’t that deep, less than 3 feet with the other step right there, but enough for her to loose her bearings and go under. She did not like the water up her nose and the look of fear in her eyes as she went under sticks in my mind….ugh. Thankfully we were both right there to grab her, and that Ms. Alli is good at being quick on her toes, Lily was a swimming fish with no fear this morning!
4. We decided at the last minute this week to participate in a silent auction through Jason’s work to benefit the ASPCA. We will be donating a session and I had to pull some display materials together really quick last night. In addition to some large prints, a canvas, an album, business cards and some other frilly stuff, I printed this as a mounted 20×20 for the display table. Me likey….
5. Only two more days of school left. Ty can’t wait. I have mixed emotions about it, probably like every other mom out there right? I can’t wait to have him home and spend more time with him, watch him have a fun summer being a kid. He’s earned that, the right to play in our neighborhood, be safe and just be a kid, ride his bike, go to the pool, get dirty and just be a boy. We had a hard time letting him do those things in our old neighborhood with all the rebuilding, so this is a whole new thing for him. On the other hand, he and Taryn have been in a bickering rut lately, and I’m not sure I’m ready for full, all day banter and rough housing back and forth. Oh, and I’m not ready for the grocery bill. Yikes can that kid eat!!
6. I know I promised pics of Teagan’s Blurb book, sorry, I took them and just haven’t had a chance to proof them yet. I will, soon, promise!
7. I’m considering a new blog. For a bunch of reasons. Some business reasons, some personal reasons. Just can’t decide. I want to upgrade, but I’m having a hard time deciding whether to separate the business from the personal. Part of me feels that all my work is intertwined with who I am and what I do, and then the other part of me thinks it would be better having two distinct blogs, one for each. Hmmmm, decisions, decisions. What do you guys think?
8. This makes me go awwwwwww too. Meredith and her Mommy.
9. Must get working on Father’s Day pics. Soon, maybe one night this week. Can’t wait to work out the ideas in my head.
10. Ok, it’s the end of 10 on Tuesday and I’m at my wits end with Taryn’s 24/7 outside voice. We’ve tried everything, the quiet game, jumping over the threshold of our house going from inside to outside voice (yeah, my neighbors think I’m nuts), spending quiet time in her room, reminders, nothing is working. The loud, screeching, constant yelling at toddler volume, is making me nuts. Help? Advice? Anyone? Anyone??
LOVE 10 on Tuesday! I love the idea of a personal and business blog. Also I’ve been waiting anxiously to see Teagan’s baby book…so excited and ready for some ideas!!!! 🙂
I wish I had advice for you!!…. with a 1 yr. old and a 3 yr. old… I feel your pain!!
quick question…
what is your favorite lens?
what do you keep your camera bag stocked with? (lens wise)
thanks for the info!
love your blog!
I’m pretty much a newcomer to your site, but I really like the idea of keeping 1 blog. Unless your clients wanted to have their pictures privacy protected for viewing or something. I agree that your life and profession are intertwined. Of course, like I said, I’m a newcomer so take that with a grain of salt!
Love your site!
ps I LOVE LOVE LOVE that photo board!!!
Abbey – if you look over to the right there is a section in the sidebar for what’s in my camera bag. As for my favorite out of those….My 50mm 1.2 is my “go to” lens, it never fails me. I’ve been using my 24-70 a lot though. It’s not “as” reliable since Ty dropped it last summer, but I do love it. I’m dying for the 70-200mm and the 85 1.2…those are next on my list.
Love your 10 on Tuesdays! Great job on the photo board-looks great.
Awwww… I LOVE that photo of Meredith and me! You are amazing! 🙂
I like the one blog thing. You seem to have a close relationship with many of your clients and it’s neat to see that:)
With Taryn, have you tried experimenting with the different ways of talking? Our son goes through booming-toddler-voice stages and a neat trick he “learned” was whispering. I’ll whisper to him at night when we turn on his noise machine or when I’m going to tell him a secret and he’ll whisper back. If he’s getting too loud some days, I’ll tell him he’s so loud that I just can’t understand or hear him. He has no choice but to bring it down to a level that is more ear-friendly or I just don’t respond. Took a few tries (and a LOT of Tylenol for mom!), but he gets it now. Good luck:)
I love your ten on Tuesday… Interesting that you are contemplating separating out your blogs because I have been thinking about doing the same thing, but am going back and forth with it for your same reasons too. I do however think that separating them out is winning me over. I’m about to launch a new website and I’ll probably do the blog thing at the same time. I really think it’s okay. 🙂
Oh wow, thanks!!! I should have looked more closely myself!!
That storyboard is incredible!!!
I hope you don’t separate out your business and personal. I love how it is all intertwined.
Love your 10 on Tuesday! You have amazing photography skills, dying to see Teagan’s book!!!
Love the 20×20 poster, perfect!
As for the blog, I can see your idea of being separated, ummm, I’m not sure. I think I would do it.
And for precious Taryn, I seriously think it’s one of those things that just takes time. If she is using her loud, outside voice when talking to you, don’t respond until she changes her noise level, otherwise, if it’s just an all-the-time thing, good luck, I know it’s hard. Just keep reminding her. In my experience, and from what I’ve read, it takes telling a child something 25 times before they remember, fun huh?
A few months ago I intertwined work and personal on the blogs….people really seem to like it! (and its a lot less upkeep!)
I vote keep one blog! Not everyone can pull it off but you definitely can!!