So far I’ve…..
snuggled, coo’d and played with Teagan, he’s so happy first thing
changed more diapers than I want to remember
nursed Teagan 4 times (uhm, hello 4 month growth spurt!)
ate waffles and grapes with Taryn
put Teagan down for his nap
punished a certain little girl for drawing ALL over our couch with crayon
researched stain removal remedies for said crayon incident (these were helpful)
almost kissed the UPS guy as he delivered my great big collage for the silent auction and a bunch of other stuff I had printed BIG for the house
emailed a few clients
checked a few blogs, THIS ONE totally made me smile =)
baked cookies with Taryn and I only burned one batch
got out all of Ty’s gifts to wrap
started to look at the goodie bags to be put together for his party but decided that was a better project for naptime
fussed at Taryn for diving off the laundry basket full force in the middle of the living room
looked around at my dirty house and finally made some phone calls to hire a new maid
did one load of dishes
and one load of laundry
watched Dora The Explorer
took Taryn potty 3 times
dished out 3 sets of potty treats
partook in a potty treat myself, hey, I’m a good girl too!
said "shhhhhhhhhh…lower your voice please" 132 times
scheduled our photo shoot that we won with the Bump Contest
considered picking up my camera and taking the kids out today since it’s cloudy but decided not too, plus my batteries are in need of being recharged, and I’m tired
read two books
and did one animal puzzle
…..aaaaand it’s only 10:30.
Tomorrow, a new normal starts, with Ty home for the summer.
Oh, and I considered redoing all the photos I took of Teagan’s Blurb book. But, honestly, I can’t justify it. The ones I already took look like crud, and don’t do the book justice at all. Sigh. Full of color casts, grainy, I should have gotten out the backdrop to do real product photography, but, I don’t offer Blurb books to clients, they aren’t high enough quality, but they are good for personal stuff, sooooooo, I can’t justify putting more time into it. But if you guys want to check them out anyway, you can see them by going to MY WEBSITE. Click on "online proofing" and the password is "blurb". There are way more pages than shown, lots and lots of pics, maybe 40 pages, I’m not sure. I had these printed for my mom, Jason’s mom and his Grandma. And us of course. I’ll do volumes every 3 months
Someday I’m going to do a Blurb blog book. I tried once, but when it tried to go in and grab my blog posts, it said "My, that’s some blog you’ve got there"…too many posts. Funny though. I thought "Why thank you, thank you very much"! I’ll have to do 6 months at a time and have it printed or something. A project for another day.
I just love Teagan’s book. It is beautifull. You are one of my favorites photographers.
You know I also just had a baby and I was thinking of doing one for her. I did a scrapbook albun of my first little one, but now with 2, gosh! I don’t have time for that.
Never done it before, please, please, advise how you do it? what software do you use? what store do you send it to be printed?
Thank you,
Oh my gosh, you’ve got me exhausted just by reading about your day! I have been sitting at a cubicle desk for almost 5 hours, and while it’s tiring & boring, it’s nowhere near that exhausting!
I made 7×7 Blurb books from our wedding and gave them to my mom & grandma (and my husbands relatives as well). They were a HUGE hit! (Our photographer granted re-printing rights). Such a perfect Mother’s Day gift!
Oh my, I’m ready for a nap just reading about your morning. π Love the blurb photos. I think they are great.
sooo who is the photographer doing your bump contest shoot? π
HUGE fan of you blog! I’m just in awe in all that you do. Especially downloading and editing daily. Inspiring. I feel I get too wrapped up in sippies, diapers, fixing snacks etc to even pick up my camera.
Just curious if you would consider putting a sidebar with a list of vendors you use. I’m always looking for recommendations! Always good to sink money into one that you know someone else has tested!
Just curious – ie. blurb book, big prints.
I am almost finished with a blurb book and CAN”T WAIT to get it!!!
I did a proect 365 one!!
Thanks you guys for the compliments π
Joy – I would be happy to share my trusted vendors! I have actually been thinking of doing a FAQ post.
Ashley – I’m not sure she wants me to share just yet! I don’t want to jinx it cause she’s crazy talented!!!
You just made me very sleepy…..
aw i understand that. i can’t wait to hear who it is!
Oh! You’re so much better than I am! I started Calla’s birth book, and had yet to complete it. Someday … Someday.
your blurb book is gorgeous! The slideshow made me all teary eyed!
And I love your list of things done by 10:30.
Can I ask what time you started this day? Or did you not even go to bed the night before?;)