Zachary is a kindergarten graduate! This kid learned so much this year and I can honestly say he loved every minute of it! No one is more eager to learn or excited to dive in! He’s very excited about his cap and gown and diploma. These photos are a little late because the same day he graduated, he also broke his first bone. We were just about to start his ceremony and party when we had to go to the ER. It was an eventful day for sure. As homeschoolers of over a decade we’ve never done kinder graduation but I was looking through photos a few months ago and found myself so happy we have grad photos of Taryn at this age from public school. She did kinder and 1/2 of 1st grade in public before we pulled her out. I have a feeling by the time Z graduates high school I’ll be really glad I have these photos too. Shoutout to Jason who carried my camera and helped me lift it in to place so I could take these while injured. It took 4 days instead of 4 minutes to edit them. It hurt like hell but we took these together 🥰. Congrats Z! We are so very proud of you!!
Zachary Kindergarten Graduation
Lyndsay Stradtner2023-07-22T23:41:05-05:00July 9th, 2023|365 Project - 2023, 365 Projects, My Family, Zachary|
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