I often get the lines from that book running through my mind when I’m shooting, especially clients, but sometimes at home too. Can’t go over it, can’t go under it, gotta go around it. Reminds me to change my perspective every now and then.
I love the way her little feet peek out from under the boppy and the way she crosses her toes. She loves holding him these days, he’s getting so big too. It makes me sad and happy all at the same time. He hasn’t been a very happy camper though the last few days, we’re having problems nursing and it’s making him cranky. I had supply issues at 3 months with both Ty and Taryn too. It’s so hard, but if I got through it with T in the middle of dealing with being homeless after hurricane katrina and multiple bouts of mastitis, I can do it now. I’ve been eating oatmeal like you wouldn’t believe and downing Fenugreek. Fenugreek is a natural herb that helps you increase milk supply. It has a side effect of making you smell like maple syrup, so at the moment, everyone around me is craving pancakes, waffles and french toast. I suppose there are worse things to smell like. Hopefully things get better soon.
Love the pic! You are my favorite photographer =) Too bad I live a good 1,000 miles from ya. Hopefully your supply issues get better, and heck, maple syrup smells pretty good =)
super cute picture! Milk supply issues stink! I had a breast reduction before I had my kids so I have milk issues throughout my bf journey. If you need some more ideas for supply issues drop me a line.
Just wanted to send you good nursing thoughts. I had problems nursing both of my kiddos at three months so I certainly share your pain, stress, anxiety, and worry about the whole thing. Please know that I’m thinking of you and rooting for you! 🙂
Do tell.. you hangin’ from the ceiling fan to get that shot? 😉 Sending you supply vibes!.. Hang in there!…
thanks for the support guys….we did a little better today thankfully but we’re still not where we should be. baby steps!
bridget – nope – no hanging from the ceiling fan, I just held the 24-70mm up over their heads and took several shots without even looking through the view finder. I love doing that!