I am so glad to be home. Our little over night excursion to San Antonio was stressful and just plain miserable. I don’t know what happened, but my sweet girl was just plain difficult. Actually, the word difficult doesn’t do it justice. I’d say possessed but you guys might think I’m a horrible mother. But in all honesty, that’s the adjective that first pops into my mind. Awful, just awful. Dinner with Alli, Mike and Lily would have been nice if I could have participated, but Teagan decided to scream through dinner….which I’m sad about cause I heard Lily used tortillas as a frisby….dang it, I miss all the good stuff!! Seaworld was miserable, waaaay too many people, even at night. It was so bad, we decided to not return this morning, instead we were armed with a plan to hit the Riverwalk and the children’s museum. But after an hour of Taryn’s horrid behavior, we just couldn’t face it, so we came home. It was bad y’all. I just kept praying in the back of my mind, please let her get sick and not let this be a "turning 3 thing". Is my kid the only one who gets really mean right before she gets sick?!? Yes, I actually hoped my child was getting sick, see, I am a horrible mother. Between Ty’s complaining, Teagan screaming in the car, Taryn constantly unbuckling herself from her carseat and screaming when we made her get back in, the last thing we needed was for Taryn gets a case of the trots. Nice. I lost track of how many times we stopped. Too many. Karma coming back and biting me in the butt for hoping my child was about to get sick instead of permanently ornery. Especially when she figured out all she had to do was say she had to go potty to get out of her car seat and then giggle that she tricked us. Not fun. Five and a half hour drive that should have taken less than two. This is the last Stradtner family vacation this summer, that I can promise you. I told Jase there is no way I’ll request a vacation, a road trip, nothing. I may not even leave the house this week at all come to think of it.
Since y’all had to read through all that miserable non-sense….I do have something cute to share with you. I left the 5D at home and threw the Nikon D50 in my bag (with the 50 mm 1.8 lens). Once we got to the hotel, I was sorry I left the 5D behind, our room was ultra modern and cool with amazing light. I think the rice cereal and bananas are going straight to his cheeks π
ok, this one is far from correct technically, but it’s about the moment….look at my big boy sitting up! I’m in shock, he’s only 5 months old and sits up for about 5 or 6 minutes at a time. He does so good. Surprising since he’s been behind on a lot of milestones since he came early. Also makes me a little nervous since Ty did this and then walked at 9.5 months, ran by 10 months, climbed out of his crip by 11 month…he was on physical little guy and it was tough. But, it’s fun for photos and he loves his new perspective on the world…
Ok, I’m off to try and sleep off our horrid getaway and prepare my brain for Little T’s birthday tomorrow!!
Sorry to hear that your trip was horrible, and NO I don’t think you are a horrible mom. Your pictures are again breath-taking even with out them being correct technically. I don’t know much (yet) about the technical end of photography, and I think they are perfect as is. Sit back, relax and enjoy your days to come, they certainly will and won’t be what you expect.
Your pictures are beautiful, as always! I love the first one especially. It captures such wonderful babyness- the parts you never want to forget about. Sounds like your trip was a rough one but thanks for sharing anyway. It is tough enough being a Mom when all goes well but SO much harder when it doesn’t! I feel ya…
So sorry about the weekend with Taryn. We’ve definitely had those moments.
But so excited about Teagan sitting up! And actually eating! (my little girl has decided to boycott all food besides the boobie).
And don’t you still have a family vacation to Jamaica??? π
Ooooh, sorry to hear about the awful trip! But, I can relate! My older son also gets pretty ornery when he’s about to get sick. Also when he’s really hungry and, of course, when he’s over tired. So you have my sympathy!!!!
The photos of Teagan are darling!
Teagan is getting so big and the pictures are beautiful.
I’m so sorry that Taryn has been so difficult for you. You are not a terrible mother! Kyleigh was a very hard three year old, I will never forget the time she took off running in Kmart, when I was 9 months pregnant with Landon, and I couldn’t catch her. Little stinker! LOL! It’s funny now, but not so funny at the time!
I hope today is a better one!
Love ya..Heather
Sorry about the trip.
Your pictures are beautiful and Baby T is adorable.
So sorry that your vacation was horrible:( Sometimes I think toddlers have some sort of way to communicate with other toddlers and share ways to drive their parents nuts! Our takes his arms out of the carseat straps, no matter what we do…this too shall pass, right?;)
Pics of Teagan are so cute!! I love how blue his eyes look in the second one:)
Although I am sorry for your distress, it makes me feel SOOOO much better that other families with three kids have these same trying issues! The second picture of Teagan is so great!
Sorry the vacation wasn’t what you expected π I can sympathize so much. Beautiful pics, though!