she’s fabulous . she’s 3 . she’s super t . lover of the color pink . and dora . plays tricks on ty . gives mommy a run for her money . she’s a daddy’s girl . but sometimes needs some extra mommy when she’s sleepy . cuddles teagan every morning . and wakes him up every day from his nap "cause he’s just so cute" . loves to check the mail . and help cook . and anything water related . except waterparks . our honeymoon baby . determined . funny . loud . cuddlebug . sings bold and loud on a moments notice . songs she makes up as she goes along . my favorites are "I’m so funny" and "daddy is so fwustrated" . loves ice cream . and apple slices . and macaroni-n-cheese . strawberries . and anything dipped in sour cream . if I say "I can do it" she sings in her best Bartney voice "by my self" . is spirited yet very shy . hides under the furniture in fear if someone new comes to our house . loves buddy bucks and squeals with joy every time she uses one . even though we’ve done it 1,862 times . has an amazing relationship with our her dog . she’s claimed sole ownership much to Jason’s dismay . and kylie loves her the same way right back . book lover . and puzzles . and coloring . anything requiring focus . has a wonderful, big, loud laugh . and the sweetest little girl signature giggle . we pretty much love her to pieces
these are just a few snapshots, I tried to do a "birthday shoot" several times but well, my girl has PCS, so here ya go….
makin 3 look tough
this little piggie
ther is just something about this one that I love, her hair maybe, how focused she is, dunno
a little cheese for ya…
I love how she still looks so small in this one, yes I’m in denial my baby is growing up
did I mention the PCS?
she looks so determined in this one
right after this shot she kicked the crud out of my lens on accident running toward me so we called it a day 😉
Happy Birthday big girl, we love you!!
Happy Birthday Taryn!!!!!!!!!!!
Lynds – I ran across the pictures of when you came to Oregon and T was 6 months old. Wow! Time sure flies!
Happy Birthday, my sweet T! You are unique in a hundred ways and I love you “a billion bazookas”!
Love, Gee Gee
p.s. I think your Mom makes up all that bad stuff about you!!
Happy Birthday, T!!
Happy Birthday, Taryn!! :)stephanie n hannah
Happy Happy Birthday T!
Happy Birthday Taryn!!:)
She looks so much like Ty in that second shot!
Happy Birthday!! You and Taryn are going to love looking back & reading this post in 10 years!
Can I just say, “I LOVE YOUR PHOTOS!” First, Happy Birthday to your little beauty! Second, I only bought the 24-70mm a month or so ago and I am having a heck of time using it. I keep getting blurry photos! What am I doing wrong! I’m a prime girl so it’s hard for me to get used to the zoom, but I really needed a wider angle lens. Do you have any suggestions? Could it be my UV filter?
What a great post; full of the moments you’ll never want to forget.
Happy birthday, T! Here’s to a fantastic 3!!
These are great! They capture her personallity to a “T” 🙂
Happy Birthday Taryn!
McGee, Mike and Meredith
I totally just realized that her shirt said “3” on it, lol! I was looking so much at the rest of the photo / the colors and her expression that I missed that.
Sheesh. Send coffee.
🙂 Becky
Happy birthday, Taryn! These shots are beautiful, my favourite is the one with her little hands and the flower. Precious 🙂
Happy Birthday Taryn! She is such a cutie-pie! Where did you find her “3” t-shirt? I’d love one like that for my soon to be three year old too. Thanks!