I haven’t photographed tortured taryn in a while and decided to try and snap a few of her this morning during teagan’s morning nap. When I said, “hey, let’s go take a few pics” she scowled, put her hands on her hips and said “will you give me some candy?”….I’ve ruined her. I brought candy and well, I’m not really inspired by anything I got. Just one of little miss attitude….check out that big toe and pointer finger.
I love it when she wears these jammies, so soft and cuddle inducing. She pretty much rules the roost around here lately. She keeps those boys in check. My friend Alli and I joke that Teagan’s first full sentence will either be “BACK OFF CHIC” or “GIVE ME THAT BACK”. I’m taking bets if anyone wants in.
ps – does she have some freakishly large feet or what?? she’ll be tall like her daddy I suppose.
pps – if you’re viewing on RSS or Google Reader head on over and check out the comments from yesterday, good stuff!
Ok, I can sooo relate to this one. My daughter says and does the same thing when I ask her if she will let me take some pictures. They’re smart girls…we get what we want (sometimes..) & they get what they want…ha! Love the title of the post and the picture, she is going to be such a girl!! Oh..and love the pictures on her wall, too cute!
I love attitude though. She shows serious personality.
I have polar opposites- one girl LOVES the camera, the other runs. You’d think I only had one child looking through my photos.
The soft pink wall is so fun.
My two daughters have those same pajamas. They are so snuggly. I just love hugging them when they are all cozy in those pink hearts.
Lol @ “ruining her”. What us moms will do to get what we want:) On days like that don’t you look at the pictures on her wall (love the chef one!) and wonder how time flew so fast?
I really like what you’ve done with the images. I’m curious about their medium. Are those just prints with holes in them or are they something more substantial like canvas or hardbacked?
ryan, mounted prints with drilled holes!