1. rumor has it that my mom has been blog stalking all day for 10 on tuesday. here it is gee…..are ya nerrrrrrvous?
2. this is sooooo jase. taryn does it too. this is the look of concentration. you should not interrupt it. genetics are a crazy thing man.
3. My mom thinks i’m gonna talk about her on 10 on tuesday. hmmmm, wonder why?!
4. I’m going to an open house tonight for Ty’s school next year. Middle school. I don’t wonna talk about it.
5. My mom is a crack up. She’s done some funny things. In our family they are usually referred to as a “dumb geegee story”. Might sound mean and disrespectful, but in all honesty, no one loves or tells a dumb geegee story like the gee herself.
6. I have some new products and some new projects coming for the business. Exciting stuff! I’ve even been putting my cute husband to work on biz related stuff here lately.
7. You’re wondering if I am going to tell a dumb geegee story aren’t you? I know you know who is wondering…..
8. Teagan turns 13 months old today. Can you believe it? I can’t. He still isn’t walking. A few steps a few times and that is about it. Actually, I think it’s going to be awhile. He’s a big chicken. I’m totally ok with that.
9. I normally try not to air out the dirty laundry of my relatives here on the blog. I really do.
10. But, alas, I cannot resist….
My mom came to visit at Christmas and left a few things behind. They were her, ehemm, unmentionables. So, being the sweet daughter that I am, I packed them up and sent them off to her. I got a phone call a few days later “You think you’re soooooooo funny!” I had included a note that said “Dear Granny, Here’s Your Panties” BWAHAHAHAHAHA.
So when my mom came back in February for Teagan’s birthday, she kept very, very close tabs on her, ehemm, unmentionables. She even made an extra round through our house to make sure she had everything while packing up to go home. Much to my enjoyment, a few days after she was gone Ty came running out of his room swinging a pair of black granny panties over his head with glee. Now normally this would not be a wonderful sight for a mom of an 11 year old, but I immediately knew what they were and we all jumped up and down with joy and laughter. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking, it doesn’t take much to amuse those Stradtners now does it. It’s ok, you’re right. This time the note read…..”Oh granny granny granny, here are your panties…..AGAIN!” BWAHAHAHAHAHA.
Her very next question was “you’re not gonna blog this are you?”…well, mums the word when you do it once, but twice, well, it’s pretty much fair game now.
We love you Gee. We really do. But this is Austin. Not NOLA. Or Mardi Gras. You really should try to keep better track of your panties.
Oh man, that was fun…..I could go on and on…..the way she mails things to herself…..or to me to a name I haven’t had in 12 years…..or how she lets cokes explode in her freezer…..or drives her car in to the house…..or backs in to the pole at the end of their driveway. That drivers license photo that will go down in history. Your escapade through the casino….I dare you to tell that story. Oh mom, I love you. You crack me up and you’ve taught me the importance of being able to laugh at myself.
Happy Tuesday everyone (and I hope all of you know where your panties are……)
I love it! I’m dying laughing over here!
bwahahahaha! That was hilarious!
That’s great. My mom (who unfortunately is not with me anymore) always used to mispronounce things. For example, she would call Sissy Spacek….Sissy Spacecheck. My mom was called Jaye (a nickname for JoAnn). We used to call her little mispronunciations “Jaye-isms”. So, I’m right there with you on the Gee stories. All in good fun.
Thanks, Lynds! I want you to know I got all your little “jabs” as in leaving things “BEHIND”….airing the “DIRTY LAUNDRY”…I may be, uhh, forgetful but I am not, uhh, clueless!! (Well, maybe sometimes!) And to show you what a good sport I can be, I will tell the casino story. I made my last trip to the ladies room one night while hubby was spending the last of his money in the dollar poker machine. After he was finished, I pushed his wheelchair up to the cashier desk to get our latest prize, had to wait in line for 5-10 minutes and then I rolled him allllllllll the way thru the casino to the front door and out into the parking lot. As I finally moved in front of hubby he says “What’s that sticking out of your pants?” When I checked I found the ENTIRE PAPER TOILET SEAT COVER handing out of my waistband!!!! And I paraded myself thru the ENTIRE CASINO like that! Oh, the shame……..Oh, the embarrassment……oh, the teasing from my family!!!!
Good sports you are! And fabulous stories. Thanks for the chuckle. We all need to laugh more!
Oh Gee….that is classic! I don’t know which is funnier, the granny panties or the toilet paper seat!
oh man … i just love your family!
Bwaaahhhaaa – that is hillarious! That is one of the reasons I love your blog so much – because you are real (and your family too apparently) and you keep it real. Your life has not been perfect but you seem to have a great attitude and a way to see and relay things with such humour. You are an inspiration to me!
OMG…that has to be the funniest story EVER!!! Thank you for sharing 🙂 Thanks for making me laugh! And I here ya and the middle school thing…our open house was tonight and I think I’m gonna cry:( Can we just keep them home 🙂
You guys are the best, thank you to you, and your mom for sharing 🙂
Oh my goodness, you guys are too funny! As always, you keep me laughing. Thank you so much for posting that story. And many thanks to the Gee for sharing her casino story. I think its fantastic that you all have such a wonderful relationship that you can share these stories with the masses. Your photos are beautiful, and I stalk your blog everyday. 🙂
Loooove the granny panty stories- we do that all the time w/my mom and she’s such a good sport too about it!! And I especially love the casino story!! A true nugget of fun!
Your family get togethers must be a real real hoot!
Oh no Gee, a day with you must beso much fun.
ok, I am volunteering in our PUBLIC LIBRARY today and proceeded to BUST OUT laughing out loud at your panty story, yeah, I got some pretty funny looks, think I have lost a little creditibility as well!! That’s ok, it was soooo worth it, great story!!
That casino story is just as good! 🙂 Hahaha!!! Thanks for the giggle!
Your mom is as funny as you!
ROTFLMBO! I needed this tonight! You and your mom rock 🙂
So funny! Loved the story. Carys is STILL not walking and is almost 16 months. She is super super cautious:) Little T is getting so big, cute as ever:)
too funny. you’re mom is such a sport! love the casino story!