I absolutely love this session. I loved their order and final products too, they picked exactly what I would have picked, I love it when that happens! I had so much fun hanging out with them on South Congress. Fun, interesting, active, really, really full of energy and love. And not afraid to show it and let it all out for me to capture.
ps – I had to include two accidental captures above of little miss catching her parents in a kiss and covering her eyes….see her in the corner over there?! I just couldn’t bare to crop her out.
Wow! Beautiful family and beautiful pictures! I saw the little girl right away…so glad you didn’t crop.
OMG could those two kids be any more gorgeous?! Ridiculously good looking! Great shots, I love these!
Lyndsay, from the very first time I saw your photos, I knew that I wanted you to capture my family. You knocked it out of the park and captured the pure essence of us, thank you!!
OMG those kids are gorgeous! They should have more just to make the world prettier 😉
I always find myself smiling while looking at your work. What a beautiful family and what a wonderful job you did capturing them!