HA!  Did ya’ll catch that title?!?!

I called our baby boy by NAME!  Yuhessss!  We are so excited, after 8.5 months of deliberating, to have decided on a name…..Teagan Jude Stradtner.

And yesterday we finished the nursery.  It’s a tiny little room but I just love the way it turned out.  I still have a few little projects I’m working on, but it’s 99% done.  We decided at the last minute to forgo the pretty chocolate colored upholstered rocking chair, we have two other rockers in the house and just couldn’t justify the expense.  If we find we miss having one in there we can always add it later.  I also still want to add a big brown circle rug to the middle of the room, in time.

So here it is….Teagan’s nursery….we re-used all of Little T’s old nursery furniture so we didn’t have to buy anything new furniture wise.  And thanks Mom for the gorgeous bedding!!



Please, please tell me I’m not the only one addicted to Baby Style

I’m so proud of these and they were so easy to do!  6×6 canvas’s that I bought from Save On Crafts, I then printed out letters in different sizes and fonts, traced them onto each painted canvas, filled them in with a different color paint and voile!  My intention was to hang them in a straight line, but as Jason was hanging them last night one tipped to the side, he started to tilt the rest, we both loved and just decided to let them stay that way!

close up of the name letters…

The frames will eventually have baby photos in them. 

I altered the little clock to have it match the room.  Big thanks to McGee who went shopping at Hobby Lobby for me, and even walked the aisles with me on the phone so I could craft shop vicariously through her!  Only a fellow crafter could truly comprehend the urgent need for Hobby Lobby, even on bed rest!

And look, the Lush Monkey made his way into the nursery…..I sure hope he can manage to behave himself in front of the baby!  😉


The frame in the top right corner is a sneak peek at Teagan’s birth announcement.  I have them all ready to go, I just need a baby and some photos!  The bear on the shelf is sentimental as well, it was sent to us as a gift after Hurricane Katrina and has been a favorite of the kids ever since.
I’ve done nursery storyboards for clients a hundred times but I’ve always wanted to do one of my own – yay! 


And thankfully, staying off my feet is working.  I made it to 34 weeks yesterday, which is a good benchmark for our little guy.  If I go into labor, they won’t medically intervene to stop it at this point.  Of course we want him to stay in for awhile longer (notice I didn’t say as long as possible!  ha!).  I will say that every time I get up to do something, the contractions start up.  I think all it would take is a long walk and a few speed bumps to kick labor into gear.  So here I sit, with my feet up, doing my job of baby grower extraodinare.  How’s that for a job title?  My next OB appointment is tomorrow to check for progress and see how our little man is doing…I’ll keep you posted!