I don’t know that I’ve ever met two people that are more alike than these two. It shocks Jason and I daily. The way Z acts, the way he looks, the way he sounds, what he says, even his laugh is the exact same as hers was at this age. It’s interesting to watch them together because she gets so flustered by some of the things she herself used to do. Other parents say things like “I hope you have a kid that acts just like you someday!” We had Z and get to see Taryn deal with a tiny, opinionated, version of herself daily and I can’t lie, it’s satisfying and hilarious. This girl dished it out at age 3 and 4! Thankfully, she’s the easiest teenager ever. Hopefully Zachary follows that lead too😂 We’ve always joked that Taryn is Jason’s clone, looks like we created another one!