10 days new | austin newborn photographer

2009-02-07T17:59:26-06:00February 7th, 2009|Uncategorized|

and so, so perfect.  she slept through her entire session, and i absolutely loved all her hair…..

i LOVE this one, her daddy looks so proud…..

she wanted her hands right up here all morning…..

Thank you A Family for a wonderful morning with your new beautiful daughter, I hope you like your sneak peek!

the masons | austin family photographer

2009-02-04T14:14:59-06:00February 4th, 2009|Client Work|

i know i already posted their sneak peek (here too), but i thought i’d come back and share their full session.  it was so great to get teri on the other side of the lens, and boy, they showed up ready to play!  the entire session was done in about 45 minutes.  teri and her husband are celebrating their 10 year anniversary here pretty soon, how cute are they 10 years later?!

the mason family slideshow

teri, i’m so glad you like your pics, i was a bit nervous, thanks for letting me share!!

10 on Tuesday | austin photographer

2009-01-26T23:32:58-06:00January 26th, 2009|My Family|

1.  Now that I’m working again, I have grown to dread Mondays.  Mondays I wake up to a messy house, clothes everywhere, dishes everywhere, just a mess that is the result of mom being gone all weekend long.  It takes all week to recover and then it happens all over again.  Am I the only one that feels like it takes me all week long to recover from the weekend?  I don’t think I’ve felt like that since college lol.

2.  Taryn has learned the art of schmoozing.  Exhibit A:

T:  Mommy, you are so pretty.
Me:  Awww, than–
T:  Can I have some milk?


After handing her some applesauce out of the fridge….
T:  Mommy, you are a genius!!
Me:  […]

our new playroom | austin photographer

2009-01-26T10:23:06-06:00January 26th, 2009|My Family|

During the height of busy season Jase and I decided we needed to move my desk into our bedroom so we could both have work time behind closed doors.  Trying to get anything done with five people in the house and constant interuptions, just wasn’t very productive.  Our intention was to get through the busy season and then see what was working and what wasn’t and see if we needed or wanted to move it back.  The space was made to be a breakfast room, but we’ve never used it for that intended purpose.  It’s always been my office area and where we keep Taryn’s little white table for snacks, crafts, etc.  Here is the waaaaay before….

call for models – the sneak peek | austin teen photographer

2009-01-25T13:21:28-06:00January 25th, 2009|Client Work|

MC and I headed into downtown Austin first thing this morning to shoot the call for models.  It was COLD….but they were all troopers and we had a blast….are they gorgeous or what?!?!

A little stolen moment that soooo makes me wish I had sisters to laugh with ….

I hope you like your sneak peek girls – MANY more to come!  Thanks for all the fun!

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