Be warned, this is a marathon post filled with snapshots, color casts, out of focus images and just everyday stuff. But it’s also filled with love, so I can overlook the rest, hope you can too.
Today was good. Today I put work down. I let the house go. I enjoyed the most simple of pleasures with my kids and….it was good. Really good. My husband was grouchy today (what is there to be grouchy about dude?). The kids were crazy. Excited. Wired. Fun. And even though the house got trashed, there are piles of wet clothes and sneakers and socks and mittens by the front door, the stack of dishes and crap piled up on the counters in the kitchen is crazy, it was worth it. We have had snow a few times already this year, but nothing that stuck. For central Texas to have snow, much less several times, is a big deal (stop laughing northerners!). Not only did we get snow today, but it STUCK!
We woke up to lots of “look momma, LOOK!”
It got pretty heavy mid morning. At one point it looked like huge cotton balls falling out of the sky, they were at least 1.5 – 2 inches wide!
Can you hear the “LOOK TY!” in the second photo?
This is Taryn’s game face gearing up for the snowball fight. I’m skeered.
Old grouchy could dish it out but wasn’t so good at taking it. Can you hear the “ouch”? HA!
Yes, Ty is wearing Taryn’s blue leopard print mittens. I’m still not sure how that happened but Taryn had socks on her hands. Hey now, we live in Texas, what don’t have a big need for gloves around here!
This one is out of focus but it cracks me up. Teagan’s go to “I’m going to throw this snowball at you and you’re going down” face. You know, Teagan is just the right height that when he throws a snowball extra good, it could possibly hit a certain 6 foot tall guy right in the tenders. Did I mention Jase was grouchy today? HA! Yeah, I didn’t enjoy that moment one single bit.
Once it got pretty heavy the big flakes got in his eyes and he was NOT happy about it. He’d say over and over, SNOW EYES SNOW EYES!
Yeah, I think it’s clear that not all Texans love the snow…..
So we headed inside for a little bit of this and a few marshmallows….
Armed the duder with an umbrella and he was good to go again.
Oh man, any day is a good day where I get a photo of Ty that I love…or 2…or 3…
Off our back porch….
Once Teagan went down for a nap, Jase was working from home, so I brought the older kids down to the end of our street for a little sledding. We used Ty’s beach boogie board, worked great!
And look who it is, I better introduce him, Ty’s best friend Wade. I can’t believe we’ve lived here over 2 years and I’ve never taken a photo of him before. How did that happen? He and Ty are best friends and we just adore Wade, he’s a great kid with a great family right down the street. As much time as these two spend together, I’m not sure how this is his first photo…but I love these!
You know why else I really like Wade? Because I busted my arse not once, but twice today (who knew I could still do the splits?!) and he didn’t even laugh outloud. HA! He later told Ty he was cracking up on the inside. Thanks Wade, I appreciate that! Wade on the left, Ty on the right. Ty is acting like a snowman. Authentic right?
And our actual snowman snowgirl. We were informed Taryn only builds girls. Although, by the end of the day, said snowgirl, was sporting a mullet wig and a Heinekin. Wasn’t me!
All in all, it was a good day. Lots of letting go. Of work. Of email. Of the house. To play with my kids in what might be the only snow they will play in during their childhood. And it was good.
These are GREAT, L! So lucky that you guys got to enjoy the snow! We didn’t get nearly as much here, but I totally know what you mean about those huge cotton balls. It was crazy, huh?
Love them! Especially the close-ups of Ty–such a handsome young man. 🙂
Oh Thank You! I knew the kids were having fun in the snow today and I wanted to be there to play. this was almost as good as being there….but I didn’t have to get wet….or cold….or clobbered with a snowball!
I was grouchy cause I had to work, then I had a bad headache. Also in my defense, that ‘snowball’ that Ty threw at me was more like an ice baseball. The thing just bounced off me and thudded to the ground. Enough boohooing.
The pics of the kids are great. Ty is handscome, Taryn beautiful, Teagan, well Teagan is THE DUDE, ‘nough said. They had such a blast, especially Ty.
oh, did anyone notice that the snowman was made with nerf darts? Ty is so resourceful, isn’t he? I’m not sure where the tree limbs came from, but I found the big clippers in the yard, so I’m guessing one of our trees is a little more bare today than it was yesterday.
Only you see the imperfections! To me they’re all AWESOME! Let the imperfections go as well! 🙂 You’ll enjoy these pictures even more!!
They are adorable, and I love them all!
These are so great. Love how you always tell storys with your pictures. I wish I could live where you live and have snow being so special (we had snow since a couple of days after Christmas…and no thats not normal for me)
What a great day!
The photo’s of Ty are lovely. No wonder you love them!
Teagan’s coat is adorable.
Lovely photo’s, as usual. I see no imperfections!
These are great! I have to admit, I’m totally with Teagan. I absolutely hate the snow, but it looks like you guys had a ton of fun! Good for you on letting everything go, especially if this may be the only snow the kids see…you are a great mom and you will have these memories forever!
Love these, what a great day with your kids. What did Kyliegh thing of the snow?
Fabulous pictures Lyndsay! You got a lot more snow than we did but it was so much fun. Ava didn’t really seem to care, she just wanted to swing once we got outside and she saw it. 🙂
What a fabulous day!
I hate Ty (but really, I love him) because he has the most RIDICULOUS eyelashes ever. Teagan’s very brief hat change is cute. He should have rocked the cowboy hat more the keep the snowflakes out of his eyes. 🙂 And why is Taryn holding a rubber ducky in the first couple shots? LOL…she’s hilarious.
Finally “SNOW”, It’s been such a crazy winter, I knew it was just a matter of time. Wish it had snowed like this at Christmas, and we could have been there to play in it too!!!
Great pictures, so much joy and happiness in thier faces…
AND TY, What a ladykiller…BEWARE Austin Chicks…