1.  In addition to getting ready for this weekend my days this week have been filled with one little boy fighting asthma, it’s been a rough one.  I told his doctor yesterday morning, after his 3rd rough day in a row, that I feel like we are missing a piece of the puzzle.  Something is off, I don’t know what I’m missing, what his doctors are missing, but its something.  I swear asthma kids are one big puzzle and it takes forever to put it all together!  I’ve also had one super, super sassy little miss T on my hands. What is it with her this week?  Not listening seems to be at the top of her to-do list.  And Ty has had TAKS this week.  But what they didn’t know, is that we’ve been keeping a secret from them.  A BIG secret!  My mom arrived today and they had NO CLUE.  So exciting!!  Especially since every last one of them was in a foul mood this morning.  I was almost giddy when Taryn started crying for my mom thinking if you only knew….but I tried to pretend I was sympathetic, really I did.  But, my mom coming in isn’t the only surprise, there is another big surprise coming their way, they are going to be thrilled with what we have planned!!  I can’t wait!!!

2.  Each kid had a different reaction to seeing my mom.  Taryn was speechless for a full 5 minutes and then giddy, Ty dove in to her arms. Teagan was, in typical duder style, chill and happy.  Oh so happy.  After we got home from dinner we played outside a bit.  Teagan had a game down pat, go down the slide, dive into the Gee’s arms and spin around, lather rinse repeat.  He’d also make the occasional pit stop to pick up a rock.  Hey, he’s 2, he has priorities you know!

3.  I’ve spent many hours this week praying for my dear friend Jodie, her family, and her daughter Parker.  Parker is 3 started having seizures this week and has been in PICU.  Jod is holding strong, but I’m so worried for all of them.  I wish I could be there to give her a hug.  Please pray for their family.

4.  When Lily is at our house….this always happens.  Weirdness.  He’ll do anything to make that silly Lilly laugh, its hysterical to watch them together.

5.  Speaking of weirdness.  This sums it up I suppose.

6.  We put up new curtains in the living room and the kids seem to gravitate to them now to hide.  I’m sure it has something to do with them being white and my children’s firm belief that anything that is white, should be dirtified immediately.

7.  One of my awesome clients was featured over on Ohdeedoh, congrats Noelle, awesome party!!

8.  Ty is still shorter that me, by barely an inch.  At least until next month when I’m sure he’ll shoot up past me.  He’s 12 for goodness sake.  And I am not a short person!  We measured him to my mom tonight and they are the EXACT same height.  He might just pass her up by the time she goes home on Tuesday.

9.  A favorite shot of Ty from this past month….

10.  Alright….enough goofing around….back to work for me so I can earn goofing off with my fam tomorrow!!

ps – I haven’t forgotten about the big announcement, coming soon =)