sass. that word alone sums her up here recently. the other day in Target she was demanding this and that and I kept reminding her to talk politely, say please, etc. finally, she looks at me, exasperated, and says “Mommy, I’m all out of pleases today!”. I told her then I was all out of “yes’s”. she proceeded to scowl at me for a bit, but got over it. she’s always thinking, the wheels are always turning and some days i feel like i just can’t keep up with her and her constant antics. when people ask me about the differences between parenting the boys vs. my girl, i always easily reply “my girl is twice as much work as my boys put together”. and it’s true. but she’s fun. and funny. and she adds so much to our family. her laughter. her moves. the way she is always creating something. she’s a dog. and a dancer. and a snuggler. she has a wonderful, big, open heart and a curiosity that is always reaching and wondering. she loves her dog more than the moon and tolerates her brothers about 80% of the time. she’s our honeymoon baby and our memories of her being a newborn are clouded with hurricane katrina, evacuating and rebuilding. she’s animated and funny and she uses those big blue eyes to their full potential. everything she thinks, comes out of her mouth, which is both enlightening, entertaining and a little scary. she loves school. and lily. and going down the slide. she wakes up a few times a week and says “hey I know, let’s go buy a cat today!”. she doesn’t like things on her face. or the hot setting on the blow dryer. or drinks without straws. she loves school, and cutting and drawing and anything craft related. she’s moving up to the 4-5 year old class early this summer in pre-k to keep her engaged. i told her chuck-e-cheese closed down last year and she believed me until about a week ago. she was not happy about that, at all. she’s a loud laugher and she loves the way her daddy carries her to bed, almost upside down, every single night. she’s my girl. my wonderful, fabulous mess, and i wouldn’t trade her for anything in the world. i cannot believe she’ll be four in a few months…..where have the days gone?
((I couldn’t decide which version I liked better so you get both))
loved this post!! the way she is, her adorable personality has shined through your pics of her over the years, thanks for continuing to share her with us:)
I always thought having a girl would be easy. Afterall, I AM a girl. But, I can sympathize with this post all too well! I never thought having a boy would be so easy! ps I like the b&w.
You described her perfectly…..she is a fabulous mess! And she is funny……as she says, “Wait for it……..” or “Gee Gee, I think you butt is too big for that toilet!” (Good thing I love her to the moon and back!) I was so so happy when you had a girl cuz I wanted you to experience all the joy, exasperation, love, frustration, companionshp, anxiety, laughter, etc. etc. that having a daughter brings. It’s been a wild ride with you as a daughter, Lynds, but I couldn’t be more proud of the woman, mother, daughter and friend that you have become. I’ll be watching with amusement as you experience the journey with your little firecracker!!
What a beautiful tribute to your girl. I hope I get to experience the unique joy that having a daughter brings some day. I love the color photo the best–so much life behind those baby blues!
I love this post. It makes me want a daughter. Don’t get me wrong, I love my boys, but there is something about little girls that make me chuckle, shake my head my smile in a different way than boys. Be thankful everyday for her. She’ll end up being your best buddy for life.
if it makes you feel any better….my daughter (lyndsEy) is the exact, difficult, wonderful, ornery, loving way. she gives me a run for my money! my son – easy peasy lemon squeezy. we should form some sort of club!!! haha
she sure is a beautiful little girl, and for the record… that might be the most amazing b&w conversion I’ve ever seen. I love it more than I could ever say!!
Lynds, you are so right about girls being twice as much work as the boys! My Olivia will be 4 in 2 days! She is beautiful, funny, smart but sooo full of sass! Some days, it is just too much for me but we love her to bits. Have to admit though, glad I got one of each. Two girls would do me in! 🙂 Taryn’s pics are beautiful. Love the blue dress on her!
so so so so cute! I dunno which I like better either, they’re both so great. That dress is from Target right? I almost bought it for the little girl I watch haha, I may just have to now!
This is so funny because our son will turn 4 in October and he and Taryn are so similar with their antics I just have to laugh:) That being said, I have 2 girls and those two put together don’t even come close to equaling the level of exuberance of their younger/older brother!