this post is really nothing more than my complete and total avoidance of housework while taryn and teagan are napping. at least i’m honest 😉
why on earth would i want to do dishes all by myself when my ‘help’ is this cute?? his new favorite spot….
and one of little t at the park this morning….
right after i took this shot she hummed the acorn (she called it her coconut) in her hand at me and hit me in the eye. i’m pretty glad it wasn’t the size of a coconut. she grumbled through her 5 minute timeout on the park bench.
…Ty took the TAKS yesterday, he was super nervous but thinks he did well. TAKS are the Texas standardized tests for those that aren’t from here or don’t know. i hope he did good. I have such mixed emotions about these tests, i realize they have their place, but i’m not a big believer that one test can evaluate what you have learned, your ability to retain information, effective problem solving and so many other things. i think sometimes all they do is prove whether or not you are good at taking tests. i do think they are helpful, please don’t get me wrong, but i wish our kids weren’t so freaked out about these tests and have so much pressure to pass them “or else”. anyway, yesterday was the reading portion and he’s a great reader and has excellent comprehension, so we’ll see. the open house for his big jump to middle school next year is coming up soon. we got a letter in the mail about electives. how is my little boy old enough for electives? sigh, it’s here whether i like it or not.
…i have been listening to this song for a few weeks, over and over.
…daylight savings time is almost here….i’m counting the minutes. more light makes me very happy. especially if it means i don’t have to get up quite so early in the morning to be on location. can’t wait!
…teagan calls ty “bahbah” and has for quite some time, even though he can say ty. he’s yet to come up with a name for taryn, but the last few days when she walks into the room he says “bark”. not surprising since she is always pretending to be a dog and saying “I’m a doggie, bark bark” (the word bark, not the sound). i’m kind of hoping this nickname doesn’t stick to be honest. only time will tell.
…Ty is now home and it’s time to work on those 5th grade math skills. i love 5th grade math, remember? 😉
…tune in tomorrow for Teagan’s birthday pics! i’ve finally got them done, i just need to save for web.
I’m glad to not be the only mom who avoids housework during nap time!!! (And I LOVE that song! One of my alltime favorites!)
I love that song too! I also hate those tests. You know, Ky is almost a straight A student, but didn’t pass any of her state testing. You are right…it just proved she’s not a test taker. Poor kid, it completely stressed her out and I had to talk to all of her teachers. I’m with you on that stuff!
Love the pics!
I LOVE that park shot! It’s so colorful!
AND, just so you know, I was a teacher for 10 years before becoming a full-time photographer. I think standardized tests are worthless! Seriously! It all depends on how much sleep they get the night before, whether their stomachs are growling, if the room is cold/hot, and many other factors. Not to mention, many of my students who were extremely smart would do badly due to test anxiety. It’s all a bunch of hogwash! There’s got to be a better way!
The TAKS reading test is all about endurance, IMO! Seriously, are 7 passages necessary to find out if our kids can read/comprehend what they read? I think not! It’s almost like the test writers are saying, “We will break you down!” to our poor little 5th graders 🙁 I’m sure Ty did great though, especially with how much he has his nose in a book!
this post is really nothing more than my complete and total avoidance of housework while I’m nursing at the keyboard.
love the library shots from the last post and the two from today.
we sang that song at church on sunday. love.
and THANK YOU for telling me about google reader…now I don’t have to hit refresh all day tomorrow waiting for Teagan’s birthday pics!
google reader??
Oh my i laughed at the name bark, what a smart baby to put that together. I hear you about the tests, I live in Ontario Canada and here the kids have to write similar tests in grade 3 and grade 6, and I have strong opinions on them but I’ll spare you my rantings. I can’t believe how big Taryn looks, she looks about 5 in that pic.