A quick drop in to post that I updated our for sale page with 2 pottery barn kids bedding sets. You can take a look here.
While looking for a shot of the bedding, I came across this old favorite that made me go awwwww. My girl has grown so much….
I’ll be back with another post later today – before the big UT game tonight because there will be nothing between our mugs and TV come kickoff!!!! I really haven’t fallen off the face of the earth or anything, just lots and lots of stuff going on behind the scenes. Busy kids, revamping a TON of stuff for the new year with the business (exciting things are coming) and proofing until my eyeballs cross at night. I put some mad ninja moves on my email inbox last night and managed to reply to over 260 messages! I’m all the way to December 1 and pretty excited about it (although I’m ashamed to admit there were messages from Sept / Oct in there – yikes!). Busy season was busy and I’m about to come up for air!!!
She looks so squeezeable in that photo! Why is it that I can’t seem to part with my daughter’s crib bedding????
That should seriously be an ad for PBK! Too cute 🙂