don’t let these sweet little faces fool you. these two are always up to something. al-ways. snapped this at the door as I dropped her off for a playdate this morning. these girls will drop their respective mom’s like a hot potato if it means they get to be together. I think we’re on playdate #3 between our houses for the week…..inseperable these two (wasn’t this just yesterday?!). If they aren’t together, they are asking to be.
T never takes off her half of their best friends necklace (Carol you did awesome with that gift btw!!). Oh, and yes, T also informed me that Alli is a better Mom than me because she lets them play in powdered sugar and I don’t. Better mom….or crazy? Maybe both!? I’m totally ok with that if it means I don’t have to clean up another mess! HA!!!! 😉
ahhh, I love the flashbacks!! what is better than a best friend??? 🙂