this is bad.  i’m not ready.  i just want to scream nooooooooo from the rooftop.

taryn was on the back porch, blowing bubbles.  when teagan got done with his snack, he ran over to the back door and started to yell at her.  of course hoping she’d let him out (not a chance, she likes to torture him like that).  i thought he looked cute standing there, so i grabbed my camera off the shelf nearby…

when all of a sudden…

no no no

i’m not ready for this little dude.  i enjoy keeping you out of places.  like the bathroom.  and ty’s room.  and the garage.  but i especially enjoy keeping you inside.


dude.  not cool.

guess what we’re doing this weekend?  yup, we’ll be putting latches on all the doors.  and then we’ll sit around and listen to ty and taryn complain about