Most of you know that I founded the International Association of Professional Birth Photographers ( For about the first year I was able to keep up with the day to day operations and membership on my own. As it grew, I knew I needed help and hired someone to help me. Vanessa has been our Membership Coordinator for about a year. She takes a ton off my plate, which is just so huge for me, our crazy schedule and my very long to do list. Vanessa does all the listings and upkeep in the member directory, confirms listings with new members, sends logos, posts new members on facebook and is now also doing featured photographer blog posts. When I first started we had maybe a few dozen listings. We are now at over 450 members with photographers in 8 countries around the world. We have grown by leaps and bounds in the last few years. One of the perks with Vanessa’s position is a yearly session for her family. It’s the least I can do to entice her to put up with my sorry butt for another year! We met up this morning and her almost 9 year old Mia is pictured above. Ms. Mia loooooved the camera! No, like really, really, loved the camera! Thanks for sticking with me this year Vanessa, you are very appreciated!
Mia | Austin Child Photographer
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Mia’s eagerness with the camera make up for Nico’s lack of enthusiasm.