I normally don’t blog mini sessions beyond the initial sneak peek but I was cleaning off my hard drive and doing some ordering and archiving tonight and decided to pull a few little treasures to share.   The last one may seem like a funny choice to share, but it pulls at my heart for a different reason.  This was the last shot of the day, last photo of this beautiful family as a four (about to be five!).  Truth be told, I had already put my camera away and it was packed in my bag.  I said goodbye and about half way down the walk way to my van when I turned to look back and I saw this scene.  It made me smile so much that I stopped, dug out my camera and caught the moment.  I love it because it is them.  Smiling and relaxed and little kisses being blown.  It’s telling of their place in life, hanging out with toddlers, a note to the left of the door asking visitors to not ring the bell and wake up a little one.  The door just barely cracked tells us how incredibly welcome and warm they are when you’re invited into their home.  I’m pretty thankful they let me in to capture it every now and then.