My photographer friend Wendi and her family are a blast to be around.  I photographed them in downtown Austin last winter and we had a lot of fun.  When Wendi heard I was traveling to Houston (where they live) and that I’d opened up a session while there, she grabbed it.  She knew she wanted to capture her family in their own environment, just as they are.  She’s a photographer and takes wonderful photos of her family, but she wanted to be included in these too.  So her kids will grow up and *SEE* in printed memories what their days were like and that are so very loved.  As photographers, we tend to hide out behind the camera, because it’s an easy thing for us to do.  Getting in the picture, isn’t so easy for us.  I’m super proud of Wendi for taking the opportunity and doing it more than once this year.  She’ll fill those empty frames now 😉

So, this is them, just as they are.  Hanging out, snuggling, playing legos, eating popcorn, and as Wendi said, enjoying their entertainment of watching the kids play batman and launch themselves off the couch in the evenings.  Who needs tv with this kind of entertainment?!?

I love these type of sessions, people being themselves, in their own space, just so real and representative of them.  I believe that the value of these photos will come many years down the road, as these kiddos look back and remember their childhood with full hearts.