- by this amazing post, the beauty and insight it offers. many took my breath away.
- by this song.
- by the gift of an ordinary day. a friend sent this to me in an email today and i wasn’t prepared. grab a tissue and hit play, it’s worth it.
- the eye candy in the shakeitphotoapp flickr group.
- the insight of this mom on raising daughters. i couldn’t pull myself away from her post.
- the beauty of this stream.
- by the jaw dropping beauty and awesome moments found here. thanks michele for sharing the link with me. wow.
What has inspired you recently? Please share.
I’ve been feeling quiet and reflectful for a bit. Not sure why, not very much like me. But I can’t shake it. Maybe it’s January. Or the dreary days. Maybe it’s the business side of things. Maybe it’s thinking about all the things I want to do but I just haven’t had the guts. Maybe it’s being impatient about my own vision of where I want to be. Maybe it’s too much time in front of the computer and not enough time behind the lens. I need to pick up my camera. Tomorrow. I get to go do something that I’ve wanted to do for a long time.
One of the reasons that I love reading your blog so much is because of the way that you love life- love your family- and share the simple joys that you find with others. THAT inspires me. And so does this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhLlnq5yY7k&feature=player_embedded You may have to copy and paste it, but I think you’ll find truth in the message. It’s short. You’ll like it.
1. First of all, I am incredibly inspired by you!
2. Next I am inspired by these wonderful folk: http://sherlockholmes6.deviantart.com/favourites/
3. Definitely not last (but the last I will share here), these folks are incredibly inspiring: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kelsinator/favorites/
People living life and loving it, with its ups and downs, and the beauty within it all!
Sometimes, do you ever feel too inspired? Like you just can’t take any more beauty or emotion? And then you get all of these ideas for what you want to do and it’s all just a little too much? Man, I do.
Lynds, thank you so much for posting the link to the blog about the mother raising her daughters. I needed that more than you could ever know. I am at work bawling right now as I type. My 4 year old DD is sooo stubborn and really testing us right now. I have not been the best mommy because of it. That post on her blog really put things into perspective for me and really called me out on my shortcomings lately. Thank you so much for that reminder of how priviledged I am to have my Olivia and how I need to do better and be a better person for myself and her.
Awesome links! Thanks for the inspiration!
Thanks for sharing those Lynds. I’ve been more testy with my kids then I would like and that post about the mom and her girls encouraged, convicted and inspired me. It made me more aware of our positions in our kids’ lives. I really needed that.
What inspires me? Kenzie, she inspires me every second I am with her. Totally amazed by her all the time 🙂
well.. THIS POST has truly inspired me.. I’m still wiping the tears from that “Ordinary Day” video.. Whenever I need a smile or some pick-me-up, I come to your blog Lyndsay for it.. You must know how inspiring your experiences are for some of us.. From your “message in the bottle” wedding invites (yeah, I still remember those), through your strength during Katrina, to the magic you share through your lens.. you’re quite an inspiration.