I just sent you a request to pinterest.com. I was totally impressed with your Thanksgiving day meal!
Thank you for posting about shopping at Whole Foods. My husband recently started going to Lakeline Clinic and they have him eating the Paleo diet now. You talk about a change in eating habits! He’s dropping the weight and isn’t achey in the morning anymore. I believe diet is the key to being healthy.
Wishing you & your family a happy & healthy New Year!
I hope that you all had a Merry little Christmas.
I just sent you a request to pinterest.com. I was totally impressed with your Thanksgiving day meal!
Thank you for posting about shopping at Whole Foods. My husband recently started going to Lakeline Clinic and they have him eating the Paleo diet now. You talk about a change in eating habits! He’s dropping the weight and isn’t achey in the morning anymore. I believe diet is the key to being healthy.
Wishing you & your family a happy & healthy New Year!