she really isn’t a morning person. she usually wakes up with random complaints and voices them ((loudly)) before anyone even has a chance for their feet to hit the floor. our auto response is “good morning taryn, how did you sleep?” or “good morning taryn, how are you?” which always results in a blank “how dare you interrupt me in the middle of my issue with such chipperness” stare. i’m hoping she’ll grow out of it. ty’s not much of a morning person either, but has gotten better through the years. she’s also been on a food strike and has lost 3 lbs. there are days for our own peace of mind we literally just put food in her mouth at the table in hopes she’ll decide to chew it up. or at the very least a little of the nutrients will soak in to her cheaks from the inside. yeah, it probably doesn’t work that way huh? sigh….i have no idea where she’s getting her energy that abounds.
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My nephew is on a food strike too – if it’s not chicken nuggets, he doesn’t want it! Granted, my sister still gives him the organic all natural free range chicken – but nugget form is all he’ll take. 🙂
I am the grown-up version of her in the morning :). I just wish I would go on a food strike so I could drop some lbs – ha!
Oh Lyndsay, your kids really want to me to have kids on my own. They make me laugh every time you post about them.
Strange. I see that same face at my house EVERY MORNING! Geesh.
MacKenzie is the SAME way as Taryn. I HATE HATE HATE to wake her up. Infact if I don’t have to, I don’t. Most of the time she wakes up on her own, and is CRANKY as all get out! Her legs hurt, she’s tired, she doesn’t want to go to school, her legs hurt, oh and did she say her legs hurt? I feel your pain!
Have I mentioned that I just love her? The girl never fails to crack me up. I think I looked like that this morning too. 🙂
P.S.— worried about Teagan. Hope he’s feeling better today (and you too).
I can identify, that’s exactly how I feel in the morning.
If she makes the meal will she eat it? I discovered quite by accident that my cousin’s children would eat all manner of veggies that they normally wouldn’t touch if you let them make their own pizza and choose them as toppings.
OMG, that picture made me seriously LOL!!!
Jayden doesn’t eat AT ALL, so we’ve been mixing baby cereal in his milk just to keep some meat on his bones until he decided to eat again. Surely that won’t work for a 3 yr old though…what about some pedisure?? It amazes me how little kids can keep going without having any nutrients.
seriously, LOL, a huge, lol!! That face cracks me up!!!!