Over the last several days Teagan has been showing signs of having a new lovey. He’s 100% a blankie boy and it goes everywhere with him. If we happen to pick him up and leave the blankie on the floor those legs start kicking and he arches his back until you bend over and pick up the blankie. Blankie is serious stuff. It’s a must when he’s tired or ready to nurse. But, over the last few days he’s added a dog to his blankie fix. Just to be totally clear, blankie is still numero uno. I was taking a few pics of the kids this morning….
and thought I’d catch him with the dog…..I decided to start with just a photo of the dog….
and then I started to channel my inner erin vey
I think I should stick to people and leave the dogs to the pro….
I put the dog on the bed to take a shot of it….duder was not pleased with the separation. At all. Mean old Momma.
Ahhhhh, reuinted. Love the doggie.
Now I just need to catch a few of him with his blankie too.
I freaking love crying pictures. I am evil for saying so, but I love them!!
He is sooo cute! Where did you get that dog, may I ask? My baby boy needs a new lovey and that doggie looks super soft!
Oh. Mah. Gawd. I love these!!!
lol! Your posts NEVER disappoint:) So funny! And so cute.
WOW, look at those blue eyes, so pretty! GREAT captures, the pics tell such a great story!
awwwwwwwww doggies. Cameron has 4…yes 4 doggies. They are blue and brown.
Well, at least it’s only one dog…my 3 year old has 2 stuffed dogs, one stuffed reindeer, and numerous blankets to sleep with at night. Any more join that crew and he’ll need another bed in there, lol. Crazy kids:)
Oh my goodness, that sad face is so sweet!