When I went to UT a few weeks ago to photograph Timmy and his family we had a ton of fun out on the field. At one point as we were moving about, Timmy grabbed my hand, looked up at me and said “Where’s the BAND?!” Totally made me smile.
And this photo, I’m pretty sure it is the only one Timmy cared about that day. As we were taking shots on the 50 yard line, a helicopter flew over us. Like most 6 year old little boys, Timmy loves helicopters and he quickly pointed and told me to take a photo of it. I swirled around, not ready. He ran over and said “Let me see! Let me see!” I was afraid I had missed it but we zoomed waaaaaaay in and I caught a speck just before it zoomed beyond the jumbotron. Timmy asked to see that photo a few more times that day and then when I returned to their home for a followup session over a week later, he hadn’t forgotten and asked if the helicopter was still in my camera (it wasn’t, oops!). So, I give you, THE most important image of the day 😉
And it’s nothing short of amazing! Mom should blow this up and put it in his room! Love the sunflare 🙂