I’ve put it off long enough. His tongue and lip ties required surgery on his little mouth and I wanted to give him enough time to recover from that and establish a good latch and healthy supply. But, this momma needs to return to work soon and that means I need to be able to leave him for a few hours at a time. I’ve promised Jonah since before Zachary was even born that he could help give him the first bottle. He loves the photos of Ty feeding Jude and Jude feeding him as babies and he wanted to follow the tradition….
But once Zachary took the bottle, Jonah was more than a little peeved that he didn’t get any breastmilk too. I promised him any leftovers and he was happy with that compromise.
I wish I could say Zachary loved the bottle, or at least tolerated it, but not so much. He took 1 oz out of 4 oz, chewed on the nipple then refused it. The next day, he wouldn’t take it at all. And he started biting me while nursing. Sigh. Finicky little boob baby!
A few people on Instagram asked so I’ll post it here too. This bottle is made by Comotomo. It’s much more breast like than the glass bottles we used with Jonah.
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