Can you believe this big girl is Ms. Belle?! Gosh time flies. Her momma reminded me that Teagan was her age now when I delivered their newborn photos. I love watching this sweet girl grow through my lens. You know what else I love? When you leave the session after photographing a kiddo from anywhere between 14-24 months old and the mom says “so do you think you got anything….??” Ha! All photographers who photograph kiddos this age get that question! Both of us exhausted, me knowing full well I have a card full of little gems. This age can be a challenge and sometimes the parents work so hard preparing for sessions and then chasing kiddos during and making sure bellies are full and outfit changes and fixed hair too! I know Pam does, I love how much effort she puts in to thinking about locations, the look she wants, all the adorable clothing choices for Belle. And in the end, it all comes together and pays off, good job Momma! And we captured her, the sweet, the serious, the funny running belly laughs, the simple quiet moments, we got her.
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