and this means you too lurkers π
My mom and step-dad got me a great gift for my birthday, they said they’d give me the money to order a big old canvas. Only I can’t decide for the life of me what to order. Do I go for one big image, several small ones or maybe even a collage? And I really can’t decide on what image(s)!? HELP?!?!
Since a lot of my favorites have appeared here on the blog, I thought maybe you guys could help me. If you were me, what would you order?
I am a long time lurker here. I love your work and check your blog every day. I am in the UK and found your blog through 2peas (I am mumof3 on there). I have to say that I adore the photo in your blog header. It took my breath away the first time I saw it so I would go for a huge canvas of that one.
I just ordered about 8 large photos I took of some friends to be framed for their home so I’d suggest a collage.
I would do one big one of the three kids together. Maybe a close up of their faces. Like Big T and Little T kissing Baby T.
I would do a huge collage like the one that Erin / Princess Pig Bear has in her kitchen. Ever since I saw that posted I knew that I needed something like that in my house one day!
Definitely a collage! You have so many gorgeous pictures of the family. As a previous poster mentioned something like what Erin has in her kitchen. I do absolutely agree that your blog header should be one of those in there.
There is no way I could choose just 1 pic. I’d have to do a collage.
With all the beautiful photos you post you have to do a collage. There would be no way I could pick just one. But you do have to include the header photo as one of them.
I’m with most others on this one…a collage will allow you to put so many of your favorites together into one large piece. I too love Erin’s canvas collage!
I’m in agreement, do a collage. Some of my faves are Taryn in the bluebonnets and the second pic from Teagan’s 5 month post. Also love the one of him on the bed.
I’m giving some love to a big collage. I think so many of your photos complement each other that it would look nice as a collage.
I completely agree with those you said to do something like Erin has in her kitchen. That would be gorgeous!
Some of my favorites are Taryn in the bluebonnets and Ty by that river/stream that you posted a few weeks back.
I love all of the ones of Teagan so don’t ask my opinion on those!
well i really like the one of little T sitting on the bed but other than that i’ll vote for a collage. can’t wait to see what you come up with!
I really like the collage Erin did in her dining room as well, you have soooo many GREAT pictures I can see why you would have trouble choosing just one! BUT…if you did want to only do one how about one of the photos of the whole family from your nest photo shoot?
I was just looking at some canvas ideas. Would you consider the (for example) four equal size canvases that use one picture but broken into 4 parts like a puzzle??
What a great birthday present! I guess I’m not the only to plug Erin’s collage..I’d say give each family member a place to shine up there. That way you can look back at it years from now and marvel at how each person has changed π
Awesome gift! Go GiGi!! I’d want something with either all 3 kids or a collage of your entire family. Each member of your family is sooooo special, they all deserve to be in canvas!!
…off to check out Erin’s collage.
Another thought here- you’re still doing the shoot exchange, right (I’m not going to mention her name, b/c I don’t know if that is appropriate blog etiquette). You miiiiiight wait until after that shoot, and see if there’s a family canvas that you would want (in the ginormous variety, of course).
Awesome present, by the way.
…off to check out Erin’s collage.
Another thought here- you’re still doing the shoot exchange, right (I’m not going to mention her name, b/c I don’t know if that is appropriate blog etiquette). You miiiiiight wait until after that shoot, and see if there’s a family canvas that you would want (in the ginormous variety, of course).
Awesome present, by the way.
lurker here…
there is NO WAY I could pick from all your fabulous pics… but I would do like 4 and do an arrangement…
you have so many great shots…. it would be too hard to pick just 1….
I think you could totally put together one kick butt collage canvas! Plus its one big canvas with many many great memories π
Definitely a collage, you have so many pictures that are beautiful I couldn’t just pick one.
Thanks for all the ideas everyone! Wow, the next time I need help with something I’m heading on over to the blog – look at all the lurkers coming out of hiding – WOOHOO!!!
Ok, so I think I’m going to do the collage…but now I have to pick out what photos to use. Maybe I’ll throw a few things together and then post and get some opinions.
Oh and I love the idea of one image broken out into four – I’ve wanted to do that for so long! I just can’t justify four gallery wraps for one image at this point when we have too many blank walls. Ideally, I’d love to get one like that of our dog. I saw a set done that someone did with their pet and it was out of this world.
Thanks again guys! My readers (and lurkers out of hiding) rock!!