It’s been a crazy couple of days! We had an ultrasound this week, I’d love to share photos of our little guy but we don’t own a scanner. I wonder if a photo of a photo would work?? Our ultrasound tech was pretty rude, and at one point I think Jason thought I was going to take her sonogram wand off my belly and tell her to stick it where the sun doesn’t shine, but I refrained. I wanted to see more of our little guy and tried to ignore her. We got to see his little profile, he had the hiccups during part of the ultrasound and we got a great show of him reaching down playing with his little toes. Just amazing. I can’t wait to meet our little guy.
Taryn got to go play with Meredith during the ultrasound since she wasn’t allowed to go with us (no children under 6 allowed). And then Meredith came to play with us today to give her Mommy a break…they had fun!
It was the first time (believe it or not) that we’ve ever left Taryn with someone other than a Gee Gee or a Grandma, thankfully McGee made it so easy on me and Taryn didn’t bat an eye when I left her "BYE MOM!" Apparently, painting at an easel is more fun than Mom, not what I was expecting, but I’m thankful for it.
I’ve also been jumping every time the phone rings! Anne Marie is due to give birth to a little girl any day now and I’m lucky enough that they’ve asked me to photograph the birth. I am so honored and beyond thrilled…..I can’t wait! Hopefully, for Anne Marie’s sake, she’ll come this weekend!
We’re also planning on going to a Christmas party this weekend, a winter festival at Ty’s school and hopefully finish the nursery. Busy, but, fun times =)
Don’t let me forget to tell y’all about the mouse story….it’s a good one!
That is such a sweet picture of the girls coloring together! Meredith was so sad to leave today – she had so much fun with Taryn. I am eternally grateful to you for watching her! 🙂