I remember both Ty and Taryn being cross eyed at 5 days old. You know, that, "did you get the number off of that truck" confused look. But not Mr. Teagan…..its like he knows his mommy is a photographer. Check out the eye contact! Way to go buddy!
I just love him so much!
A couple people have asked how Taryn and Ty are doing. Ty is doing great, he loooooves babies and wishes we’d have 10 more just so he could cuddle them up. It’s funny, because we know that once Ty is holding the baby, it’s going to be hard to get him back. It just makes me love Ty even more, he glows around the baby.
Taryn is having a bit harder time. She was very confused for the first few days we were in the hospital. All we talked about for months was having the baby and his arrival, but when she came to the hospital, no more baby in my belly and she couldn’t see him because he was in NICU. I don’t blame her for being confused. When we brought him home, she checked him out and was a little curious, but when he started crying, it really scared her, she thought something was wrong with him. By the end of night #1 at home, she kept saying "I don’t want to listen to that noise". But thankfully, at bedtime, she crawled up on our bed where Teagan was sleeping on the boppy, gave him a sweet kiss and laid her head down next to him and cuddled for awhile. She’s still kind of stand offish, but we hope she’ll come around soon. I asked her if she wanted to hold him yesterday and she said no, but later on agreed. About 45 seconds after he was in her lap I said "ok, just tell me when you’re done" and she took her arms out from under him, threw them up in the air and said "I’m done". She hasn’t wanted me around much either, which hurts the mommy side of me, but I know she just needs some time to adjust and some extra love and attention from mommy. So today, while Ty is at a birthday party, I passed Teagan off to Gee-Gee and I gave Little T a big bubble bath. We played "beauty parlor" which consists of doing our hair, putting on mommy makeup & fufu (perfume). Loving some girl time together =)
oh, he is so gorgeous. I am very envious I cannot get Simon to look into the camera at all.
Congratulations, Lyndsay!!! He is beautiful & very photogenic already!! I love the pic of him in the bear chair & on the heart rug, too.
He’s gorgeous Lyndsay! Congratulations!
You have such a photogenic little guy and you look like you’re having a pretty good time getting cute shots of him:)
Hope things with Taryn get better. She’ll come around. Our little guy (he’s 2 1/2) didn’t know what to think of his new sister at the beginning (despite all the “this is the baby” talk) so he was pretty standoffish too. Wouldn’t really give me the time of day either:( But at 2-3 weeks, he started asking to hold her all the time and has really warmed up to her being around (it’s been 4 weeks now). It helps that our oldest, who’s 11, just likes to “love up” the baby…little guy sees that and wants to do it too (gotta be like big sister!). He also likes me again too!
Good luck!