Thank you for dropping everything to come take care of Ty & Taryn while we were having Teagan. Thanks for staying so long, for carting the kids all over the place as needed, for making countless trips back and forth to the hospital, for picking up my mom at the airport, for fixing meals, for taking the time off work and being such a big help. We’re sure Grandpa is thrilled to have you back though!
thank you, grandma
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He looks so sweet and snuggly! Congratulations again.
LOVE these pictures! Such a sweet “smile” in the first one and I think only babies can make yawning look cute!
Alright you have to stop with the perfectly adorable, sweet pictures! Just kidding…keep them coming. They are gorgeous (just like your subject) 🙂
Look at him & the grin… He really DOES know that his mommy is a great photographer!! =)