I posted this almost a year ago and failed miserably. I decided I need some structure to actually pull it off. Anne Marie found an idea on Flickr of taking a pic of you with your child or children once a week for a year. Love this idea! Makeup, no makeup, hair fixed or not. Just want you guys to know, right up front, it might not be pretty, or even in focus! But I hope it’ll be fun and become easier for me to get in front of the camera and those around me more willing to pick it up on their own. I can take it, have someone else take it, use the camera timer or just use my long monkey arms. Yeah, I’m starting a little late, but better late than never right?
So, in yet another effort to prove to my children in photographs that I do actually exist, I give you, but mostly them, the 3 T’s & Me.
I added it to the sidebar too =)
ps – I told y’all I do things in 3’s….3 posts in one day! HA!
Love the new banner!
Love the idea of a separate site for 52 weeks! Good luck!
love this idea! taking a picture a week with your kids!
thanks for the wonderful inspiration! 🙂