1. Alli, I win. Booooo-ya!
(((my friend Alli and I had a bet on what Teagan’s first sentence would be. She thought it would be “back off chic” and I thought it would be “give me that back”…..both directed at Taryn. Yesterday I took his pacifier and held it out for him to follow me in to his room to go down for his nap. He looked right at me and said “gimmedat”. Jase and I couldn’t believe it! Yeah, it wasn’t directed at Taryn, but close enough, I win! ha!)))
2. We’ve considered getting rid of our TV. Well, not the TV, the cable service. For one year. Just to try it. When we told Ty his face went white and you could see the look of hope on his face that we were kidding. We just don’t use it a lot, I pretty much only watch Grey’s and DVR it. Jase has a few shows that he DVR’s. Taryn has a few shows on DVR, Veggie Tales and Dora and that is about it. I fear I would miss the news and weather channel, but we can get that streaming online. I don’t know if we’ll do it, but we are thinking about it.
3. Speaking of Dora, we are fading her out because of this. Seriously, if they give Dora boobs, I’m writing a letter. Why does Dora have to go explore the mall and turn in to a fashionista? Why can’t she use her brain and skills to do something more productive? I love retail therapy, but come on Nickelodeon, don’t compromise a preschool character for a few bucks. Why does it have to become about the way she looks and what she wears instead of what she knows and what she does?? And since when do characters grow up anyway? It’s just wrong.
4. My husband woke me up yesterday morning by gently opening the blinds on our window by the bed. I opened my eyes and without even moving saw the most beautiful pink filled sunrise. Thanks honey, it was a wonderful way to wake up.
5. These girls make me smile….
If you didn’t know better, you’d think they are sisters huh?
6. Ty is taking the math TAKS today. He always gets nervous. I’m thinking of him and hoping he’s doing well.
7. We found a great bluebonnet field. I need to get the kids out there asap as they have been mowing that area. I saw the mower out there again today and my heart sank. Must go before I miss them. We went once but missed the good light and I just know I’m going to be so mad at myself if I don’t catch a few this year.
8. We got some good news at Teagan’s doctor appointment yesterday morning. I am so thankful for that. We’ve been having lots of tests done and have seen an audiologist several times. The first few tests showed some loss of hearing in both ears. As you can imagine, it is difficult to accurately evaluate the hearing of an almost 14 month old, so we have been spending our fair share of time in sound proof booths doing tests. I’m kind of tired of that pink elephant playing drums in the box, but he digs it. He did well yesterday, the audiologist we got this time was so patient and kind. We waited until the end to do the painful part and he did ok at the beginning but then totally freaked out midway through. I know it hurt and I felt so bad for him. While we know he’s had a loss, the round of tests today showed him at the very bottom of normal. Not where we want it to be, but it’s right there next to normal and an improvement to the results we have been getting. This momma will take that improvement with a smile.
9. What should we have for dinner tonight? Any ideas or good recipes you’ve tried lately? We’re in a rut of eating the same things week to week. We need something new! Ideas??
10. Thank you for all your warm comments regarding Alex and his family, they truly are wonderful people.
Happy Tuesday everyone!
So glad you got some good news on Teagan’s hearing! Ok, for recipe, this is one of our favorites (don’t let the title fool you, it isn’t THAT bad for you), oh, and I eyeball this whole thing, so I don’t have exact amounts but I don’t think you can mess it up:
Butter Chicken:
4-6 chicken breasts
1 to 1.5 sleeves of Ritz crackers crushed
couple eggs (beaten in a dish)
garlic powder (a few dashes)
grated parmesean cheese (about 1/2 cup or so)
1/2 to one stick of butter (depending on how healthy you want to be)
Preheat oven to 350. Combine crackers, cheese, garlic powder, some salt and pepper. Beat eggs in seperate dish. Dip chicken in egg, then cracker mixture, then place on glass baking dish. Repeat. Melt butter in microwave and drizzle over the tops of the breasts in baking dish. Bake uncovered for about 45 minutes to an hour or until juices run clear. We like to make extra and have for leftovers. SO GOOD!!!
Would you mind sharing where your bluebonnet field is?? I’m dying to find a good spot to take my kids pictures in.
Oh and here is a really yummy recipe. It’s Key West Chicken. I made last night, but I used shrimp. YUM!
Lemon Chicken pasta – it rocks.
I changed it a little – marinated the chicken in lemon pepper marinade first!
Hey Lynds, I’m so thankful the hearing tests went okay. It’s really hard to see lil ones suffer, but you have the right point of view, it’s an improvement, better then the other way.
On the tv thing, we don’t have cable. I do miss the weather and news. But you live in the city, you should be able to buy a digital converter box (they are about $40) and get quite a few stations. You’ll be surprised at how many. All the main ones; nbc, cbs, abc, fox plus some. I don’t live in the city, so I don’t get any thing, I miss it at times, but I have the net and refuse to pay $50 a month for the tube, I just refuse. There are so many better ways to spend your time.
Dinner? I’m not really a cook, so I’ll be reading the recommendations. And I’m so happy lil teagan gave you a sentence, how adorable =)
the new Dora isn’t actually that bad — the silhouette made her look a lot worse than the final image: http://www.hispanicbusiness.com/news/2009/3/16/dora_the_explorers_new_tween_look.htm
Hubby and I tried this recipe for dinner Sunday:
and it was DELICIOUS! We grilled them instead of broiling & the results were fantastic! The spice rub was flavorful without being too spicy for little ones.
🙂 becky aka stinkylemsky
If you really want an (almost) accurate hearing test for T then ask for a brain stem test. It sounds horrible, but they just put sensors on his noggin to monitor responses and get him to sleep or put him under a little. We had it down on my oldest son when he was 4 months old. He is totally deaf and I can tell you from experience, its hard, but the “extra special” kids give you so much joy. Good luck and Hugs!
I’ve been reading your blog for a while now. I have about 30 photo blogs in my Google reader and you’re one of my favorites.
I have two kids with hearing loss, so I totally understand what you’re going through. The sound booth is like our second home. Have they done an ABR on him yet?
We’ve thought hard about getting rid of the dish too, and someone said that if you get an xbox you can download a lot of network tv shows on Hulu, as well as Netflix stuff. And its free.
Creamy Ranch Crockpot Chicken (I’m a sucker for a good crockpot recipe!)
Boneless, Skinless Chicken breasts (I used 4)
2 TBSP butter (melted)
1 block cream cheese
1/2 cup chicken brother
1 pkg Ranch Dressing Mix
minced garlic
Line bottom of crockpot with chicken breasts. Sprinkle with paprika (however much you think is good) and ranch dressing pkg, pour 1 TBSP melted butter over chicken. Cook on low for 4 hours.
Saute garlic & remaining butter in saucepan. Add cubed cream cheese and chicken broth. Cook until cream cheese is nice and smooth and melty.
Pour mixture over chicken and cook for a remaining hour to hour and a half.
I eat mine over rice (egg noodles are good too!). SOOO good, the chicken is falling apart!
Great news about Teagan’s hearing! Have they suggested an ABR? It’s the most accurate hearing test – they sedate them (not with anesthesia) and do the test while they are sleeping. We’ve had 3 of them done with Jack. It’s not the most fun thing – but is the most accurate.
HA! I’ve always known behind those sweet eyes is a feisty little dude. Can’t wait to hear sentence #2–don’t blame me if he starts with “a boy’s gotta do what a boy’s gotta do” after I see him later this week. 🙂 AND… I have complete faith that he is going to be alright. On top of all the wonderful things that make him him, he’s a tough little fighter. It’ll be okay.
P.S.— LOL at Dora boobs!!!!!!!
You can always check Pioneer Woman for some good recipes. She just posted a homemade Mac-n-cheese recipe that looks yummy. I tried her barbecue meatballs and those were a pretty good hit. But I’m constantly in a food rut so I’m glad you brought that up. That crock-pot ranch chicken recipe sounds good. I’m tryin it!!
We gave up cable when my husband lost his job a couple of months ago. We only watched DVR stuff after the kids went to bed and weekend morning cartoons. So far only a couple of times have I really missed just flipped through the channels. I do watch a couple of streamed things from the computer and if the kids need some TV times, they jsut watch a movie.
I was just told about the library has great movies both adult and kids. And we are thinking about Netflixs.
You sound busy, as always! Just wanted to say that we haven’t had cable in 6 years. i will never go back! I love the simplicity of just a handful of channels and the option of netflix and online if we really want to see something.
Just a quick note….we haven’t had cable for 5 years. We do have an antenna so we still get the local channels but I have not missed cable at all. I keep threatening my husband that something bad will happen to him if he gets it. The kids have a ton of DVD’s and they watch cable at my mothers. So they don’t miss anything. My oldest daughter is 13 and she complains but honestly I don’t think she is missing out on much. So best of luck in that situation and the first few months is a transition then you find that the TV gets turned off. Kind of nice.
I have a quick and fabulous recipe! I swear this is a main dish for us during the week, but it’s SUPER quick and that is big in our busy house.
4-5 Chicken breast cut in half long ways
1 box of Chicken Shake and Bake
Preheat your oven to 400 deg.
Coat your chicken in the shake and bake. Place in a baking pan and cook for 20mins
Pull out and place about 1-2tbl of pesto on top of your chicken. Add some mozzarella cheese to the top. If you love baked cheese, be generous here!!
Cook for an additional 10-15 mins
I’m telling you this is awesome, super quick, and all of my kids love it!! If you have a kid who refuses to try the pesto, just place some mozzarella on their part.
Let me know if you try it and what everyone thought 😉 Have fun and enjoy!!
OK, it’s not Thursday anymore, but I had to share my go-to easy recipe!
I’m not even a vegetarian, but seriously, this one is so good!