1. Not only was yesterday our anniversary, but Teagan also turned 9 months old. It’s flying by. I had a potential client email me about a session in February for her child’s first birthday. My first thought was “oh wow, I need to be getting ready for that too!” More emotional preparation than anything I think.
2. He says “dada”. With intent. Love it. It’s soooooo cute. Jase melts and who can blame him.
3. Thursday is the big day, Ty’s school play. Can’t wait. Gotta get there early to get a front row seat.
4. Taryn saw this in a catalog and went crazy. Why, on earth, such a thing as a pink christmas tree exists, is beyond me. We planned on getting her a little tree for her room this year because Ty was about her age when he got his. But pink hadn’t even occurred to me. Last night she was on the phone with my mom and asked her to just “click it online” and it will come. Smart little modern cookie.
5. Lily’s birthday is coming up. When Jase asked Taryn this morning what she wants to get Lily for her birthday, she promptly replied “a rollercoaster“. Oh that kid cracks us up. Would we be the coolest parents / friends ever if we bought her a rollercoaster for her 2nd birthday?! I think Alli would disown me LOL.
6. I have so much client work to share with you guys, it’s crazy. Once I get through the next week or so I hope to sit down, go through my calendar and showcase some from each session, lots of fun stuff! When I get around to updating my site with so much new work, it’ll look totally different.
7. No more army crawling. Little dude is up all all 4’s all the time now. I’ll miss the army crawl. He pushes to sitting easily, climbs up on anything and everything to can get ahold of. Chases the other kids, and the dog, in his walker. He also discovered Kylie’s tail. Sad news…..the mohawk is starting to fade =(
8. Somehow I managed to really hurt my back. I got home from shooting on Saturday and within 45 minutes I could barely move. I don’t know if it is a muscle problem, skeletal problem, pinched nerve, or whatever. My doc said to wait it out a few days, uhm, sure, with 3 kids, a house and a business to run. I’m doing a little better today, but Sunday and most of yesterday were awful. I think its my bodies way of telling me to slow down. I’ve been going like crazy. Hey body, you got my attention, I’m listening now. A huge thank you to everyone I was supposed to meet up with on Sunday for being so understanding, I appreciate it!
9. Now that we’ve got our photo wall up in the entryway, I’m planning the next wall display. This time, in Teagan’s room. It will include the tie photo of he and Jase and some custom sized stuff. Can’t wait! I hope to have it up before the holidays.
10. I realize I am officially totally behind in the times, but I’ve just become addicted to google reader. Why, oh, why, didn’t I do this before?! So easy, and it saves me so much time AND I don’t fall behind in reading my favorite blogs. Love it! My one and only complaint is that I can’t figure out how to get two of my favorite blogger blogs in there, Erin’s blog and Amber’s blog just won’t work no matter what I do. I’m thinking it’s a blogger thing, but I know very little about RSS stuff. Anyone know?
If you’d like to me to add your blog to my reader, just leave a comment to this post with the link and I’ll check it out!
Hi Lyndsay-
LOVE the display of the pics Michele did! Wish you guys weren’t so far from NJ for me to take advantage of a session with one of you.
Isn’t Google Reader the BEST? It’s how I saty on top of the 146 blogs I check out now, your included. Check out my blog if you’d like at http://www.lifeisahighwayphotography.blogspot.com
Thanks for looking!
If you use the Mac email application (“Mail”), there is an RSS reader you can set up in there that will read Blogger blogs. It’s even better than Google reader, in my opinion, because it goes straight to your email inbox when someone updates. That’s how I read your blog.
I am pretty sure I had to add Erin’s manually. Go to discover then browse and then put in her blog name. It has been too long, but I remember having trouble subscribing to it too, but now it works and I am pretty sure that is how I did it.
Hope your back feels better soon!
I too am addicted to google reader…it’s almost surpassed flickr as my time-suck of choice. About your back – do you have a chiropractor? Your ouchie sounds like something that could really be helped by an adjustment…a good chiro is a life saver – I have a great one, but he’s in Menlo Park, and I’m guessing that you probably don’t feel like flying to California right now. 🙂 Hope you feel better!!
You can read my blog…because I read yours every day as soon as I log in. Mine is not near as interesting as yours though. I’m trying desperately to figure out this photography “thing”. I would love to get good enough to do this full time…or even part time. Good luck with your back – my husband just called me and he has thrown his out doing who knows what. You need a good anti inflammatory – if you call your dr they should just call one in for you…if you have a good relationship.
Hi, I really enjoy reading your blog and especially looking at the amazing photographs! I would love for you to take a look at my blog.
Yeah, I second the mac mail comment! I just use the RSS feeder though mail and just copy and paste the URLs of the blogs I read (click on the + sign at the bottom). It’s a time saver!! Of course I think my blog is full of cuteness with my 2 little ones: http://www.kathyrabago.com/blog
These girls and their pink addictions!! 🙂 I found Hannah a very small pink Christmas tree to have last year at Michaels for 10 or 20 dollars. I don’t think it’s as nice as the one you linked to, but it served the purpose.
Good luck to Ty!
I second the chiropractor suggestion. It will have you feeling much better in no time! Locally, I go to Vandewalle Chiropractic. He has been in the business for over 20 years, so he really knows what he is doing. This helps to instill confidence that he will not break your back. 🙂 If the trouble continues, you might want to consider it. Hope you feel better soon!
Your comment about Taryn wanting to get a rollercoaster for her friend cracked me up, and also made me think of this toy that my daughter has played on at a couple of her friend’s houses:
It’s been a big hit with the toddlers I know. If she loves rollercoasters, I bet she would love this!
I’ve been having the same problem with Erin’s blog since I started using Google Reader and thanks to Jaidean, now I fixed it! The blog world is wonderful, someone always has the answer. 🙂
Your blog is just so darn entertaining 🙂 Abby has a pink tree in her room, too. And a silver one. (don’t ask!!)
I can’t believe Teagan is almost one! It sure flies. Looking forward to our session in January!!! Finally (I think) chose a color scheme for the clothes!!
I love reading your blog. I’ve been reading it for almost a year, since my photographer friend Christie Adams (http://christieadamsphotography.com/blog/) shared it with me. I too have a little girl who will be 3 this month and a baby who is just a few months older than yours (she just turned 1). I wish I had the talent to photograph my kids the way you photograph yours. You have a gift for capturing such beautiful expressions.
If your still looking for the pink christmas tree I was shopping at Target and they have one that is a Disney Princess Pink Christmas Tree. I thought of you guys thinking Taryn would love it.
Love seeing how well you’re doing, it has been an amazing 6 years for you!