If you remember this photo of Taryn you deserve a cookie, cause you’ve been around awhile! Funny girl, 9 months old herself.
I’ll admit, I set him up….funny how he knew just what to do. The wipe on the head….that was alllllll him. Swear.
Love my babies.
Oh my gosh, my oldest totally used to do that! She loved to suck on them for some odd reason. Awesome picture!
I totally remember that picture of Taryn and was JUST talking about it to my husband the other day because Ben has become a big fan of wipes and loves to pull them out of the container. I was telling him how a “photo friend’s daughter” was obsessed with wipes at the same age! TOO FUNNY!!
I remember that picture of Taryn from your nest bio! Both pictures are adorable. My little boy (he’s a month younger than Teagan) started to get into the wipes last night – I should get a pic of him playing with them. Thanks for the inspiration! 🙂
I remember that picture! I think it was one of the ones that made me fall in love with little T across all those miles. Of course Teagan is just as cute!
Lol..I remember that photo of Taryn! What is it about wipes that babies just love? With our son I tried putting something else in the wipe container and he couldn’t have care less. But those wipes…they’re like gold!