1.  Sing it with me now….one of these things is not like the other….one of these things just isn’t the same…..

[I realize this already made an appearance on my facebook page a week or so ago, but I think it needs to be here as well.  I think it is a classic I’ll always want to remember no?!]

2.  Here comes trouble.

He is quite literally in to everything.  I love having a rough and tumble little boy in the house again.  Love it.  But man he keeps me hoppin.  There isn’t a moment that goes by that I don’t soak him in.  Talking in complete sentences, funny, spirited, sweet.  I wake up to him standing at my head saying “outside”.  Some days I manage to put it off until 9 or 10….but not always.  I think he’d live outside if we let him.  He’s a huge Ty fan right now….stalks the front door after naptime, yells out “momma, I miss Ty” 800 bazillion times a day.  Summer can’t come soon enough for the duder so he can have more Ty time.  I’m with ya buddy.

3.  Post surgery, he’s doing well.  I’d say recovered.  We haven’t seen the marked improvement in the sleep issues and it seems he’s actually wheezing/snoring even more at night than he was pre-surgery, but I’m hoping this week coming will be the turning point for him.  I’m ready for him to not be so exhausted all the time.  The sleep apnea kicks his butt after 10 am every.single.day.

4.  Our friend Lee Ann came and helped us paint this weekend.  Our bedroom is now a gorgeous (and somewhat daring for us) shade of blue.  I LOVE it.  It’s blue.  Really blue, but I love it.  We put a gate up at the door to keep the kids out while the paint was wet but that didn’t stop Taryn from talking through the door alllll.day.long.  LA is pretty much up to speed in the world of Taryn and can officially consider herself an expert in paper airplanes.  LOL!

5.  You’ve heard of Jose Villa right?  Check out this post.  Good gosh.  The depth, the brilliance in those images.  The last photo in the post quite literally made me cry the moment I saw it.  I just soaked it in.  I’ve gone back to look at it a few more times and still cry.  Amazing.

6.  The other day Teagan, Ty and I were riding in Jase’s car.  Teagan was bored in the backseat so I dug through the mail at a stoplight and threw him a Taste of Home magazine.  Duder must have been hungry because he proceeded to exclaim “Momma, I want to eat that!” with every turn of the page!


8.  There was a bunny massacre on our street a few weeks ago.  Ty wore the bunny costume over Easter and the feet got dirty.  He decided to throw it in the wash.  When Jase switched it to the drier he said the stuffing out of the belly had come out and filled up the washer.  He cleaned it out and popped the suit in the dryer.  The next morning we went out front to jump in the van and hit carpool only to be greeted by a yard/driveway of stuffing.  Bunny stuffing.  Whatever was in that bunny belly expands with water and heat.  It made it out the dryer vent, up and out into our yard.  Before we could clean it up, it rained.  Yeah, it was just awesome.

9.  The one of him hanging off the fridge, monkey style, is classic.  I think he was trying to tell me something….

10.  It’s 1 am and I’m too tired to come up with a #10…so I’m off to answer some email and head to bed!