he’s obsessed with door stops. it cracks us up….he’ll be crawling along and catch a glimpse of one, stops, you can see the wheels turning, thinks and than attacks with gusto. booooooooiiiiiinnnnggggggg. funny little dude.
and because i haven’t been posting many of my own children….his smile steals my heart every time….
My son LOVED the door stops at that age too! My mom had to superglue all of the rubber stops on at their house. It is funny what entertains them!
he is so gorgeous. and those eyes! i have an 8 month old and he just started crawling a few weeks ago and recently found the door stops too. i actually had the same thought: why DO we buy toys?! love your work… it is amazing!!
I was going to mention the rubber stops too. You might want to remove them so he doesn’t get one off and choke on it. Not to be a downer, just thinkin of his safety…
Adorable. Love that second one. Seriously, though, if parents really took to heart all those, “Why-do-we-buy-him-toys-he-loves-playing-with-doorstops?” expressions, they’d have a lot more money to put toward other things. :o)
But how can you resist a face like this?
My little guy is EXACTLY the same. If I happen to lose track of him for a few moments I can just perk up my ears and wait for the booooooiiiiiiiinnnnngg! It’s automatic!
My son was obssessed with door stops too. We had the ones that “booooinnnnngggg” but he would take them off their sockets so I had to replace them with rubber solid ones. He lost interest! you little dude is so cute.