I have battled and argued with myself for weeks about whether I should come on to my blog and talk about this. I was worried it would appear unprofessional and petty in the big scheme of things. But as of last night, I’ve had enough. Since we’ve moved to Austin, several things have happened.
- I had another Austin photographer, who a lot of people know, pose as a client in an effort to steal my forms, contract, the info I sent to my clients.
- About six weeks ago I had images stolen off of my blog three times in one week. I won’t share how I found out, but I sent nice, friendly emails asking the people who copied to remove the images from their sites and they did so.
- I came across a website that was a copy, word for word, of my website. The average person may or may not know this, but words are copyrighted, and to copy them is not only wrong, but illegal. Professional photographers DO know this. The problem is rampant in this profession, which, honestly, baffles me. You’re selling yourself, BE YOU. The very same night I found the copied website, I decided to invest in copyscape. My stomach hit the floor when I found EIGHT, yes, EIGHT, copied sites. Word for word, page for page. My about me page and even my copyright statements. The one that stung the most, a photographer that lives very close to us, and we are in a remote area. So I went to work, emailing, taking screenshots, feeling violated and angry. Yet I was quiet about it. Some removed it. Some didn’t. One was gracious and kind and apologetic (and wickedly talented) and we emailed back and forth some. I am a nice person, I really am. I am friends with a lot of photographers across the county and in Austin. I just don’t get it. And as badly as I wanted to come on here and say “these people stole from me”, etc. I didn’t. One part of me felt it would be unprofessional, while the other part of me felt like if I made an example out of the thieves, people might stop and think “hey, don’t steal from that chic, she’ll call you out”. And you know what, people who do this deserve that. They really do. And it sucks to be the bigger person sometimes.
- I get this a lot too, but in the last week alone, I’ve three photographers posing as clients. I just don’t get that. I never did that when I was just starting out, much less established. I figured things out on my own, I worked out the details, the workflow, the pricing, the communicating with clients in my own time. You want to talk to me about pricing, let’s talk. But don’t lie. Don’t deceive. Be upfront about who you are the in information you’re looking for. You’ll get a whole lot more respect from your peers and take your business in a better direction. Yes, I get a lot of emails about workflow and how I do this or that, and no, I don’t have time to reply to every single one. I wish I did. I have a family to care for, a marriage to nurture and a thriving business to run. Those are my priorities. And every single photographer who poses as a client to find out how I communicate, what I say, what I do, is taking away from them. My real clients, my family, my children, my husband and my messy house. They don’t deserve that.
- After all this, I was silent. This is the breaker for me. Someone created an online account, stole images off my blog, created a profile and pretended to be me using my name and business names. They emailed people as me. They commented on other peoples photos as me. They stole my images, my words and my identity. WHY? What does someone get out of doing this this?? I happen to believe it was a blog reader because one of the images of Taryn had to be pulled deep out of my archives, they knew about giggles-n-grins. It required some work. I reported the account for copyright violation and it was removed, but let me say this, whoever you are, YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE.
Jase and I sat down last night, both baffled by peoples behavior and at a crossroads as to what to do. Whether or not to publicly talk about it. How to deal with it. Whether to stand up for ourselves, our images, my work, with love and passion for what I do, or to stand here in silence in the name of professionalism. I am the professional. I didn’t steal. I didn’t do anything wrong. Why do I have to be silent? Maybe if more in this business stop just sitting back and taking it, it would change. When is enough, enough? I was given the advice by another pro that you cannot let it all eat away at you, focus on what you do best. I wish I could do that, but it does eat away at me. They are stealing little parts of me and I’m not going to sit back and lie about the fact that it bothers me.
I’d love to say that I could just see someone is Europe copy my website word for word and be ok with that. I mean, truly, does it change my business? No. Not really. It won’t change my clients or the way I shoot or what I sell. I’d love to just not worry about it and let it go, to be that person capable of that. But when someone who lives and works 5 minutes from you does this, or even in the same town, which is happening to me a lot, well, this does change things. How will my clients know they are getting ME when someone else down the road says the exact same thing, shows the same thing on their site? How much will it effect my business? I have a family to care for. Children to feed. Stealing from me, is stealing from them. Period.
And that means things are going to change around here. I will no longer be silent. If you steal from me, pretend to be someone you are not, or come here with ill intentions, YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE. I will no longer promise that I won’t publicly call you out. You will not have the luxury of assumed silence any longer. You may think I’m unprofessional as a result, well, so be it. I’m ok with that. Because I’m standing up for myself, my family, and my art. I will not regret that. If it continues I will quit putting my images and words publicly online. I will password protect anything that I do, for clients, friends and family only. I am fed up. Enough is enough. Play nice. Be yourself.
Wow, L. I can’t believe this is all still happening, but I am glad you posted about it! You have handled it very well, in my opinion, and I hope this post brings an end to that unbelievable behavior!
Gosh I am SO sorry you are having to deal with all of this!! I can’t wrap my mind around what would make someone do that! I love your work and your websites but I would never think of copying or stealing it from you! YOU came up with it! YOU deserve all of the credit! I hope these people do not push you to stop sharing your words and work. You are an inspiration to me and I enjoy every single blog post. I look forward to hearing more about the birth photography mentoring. Good luck to you and I hope things get worked out!!
Wow, I am so sorry that you are having to go through all this! You are not being unprofessional at all–quite the contrary! I think you handled this very well and I think it is a good idea that you put this on your blog. Hang in there!
Wow, I’m at a complete loss of words right now. I’m so sorry that you’re going through this Lyndsay. I have learned quickly that some people in this business are not always honest and some can be downright repulsive. My mom always told me that if you tell a lie, people are eventually going to discover the truth. It might not be right away, but at some point the truth is going to come out. I can only imagine the burden you have been carrying because of all of this. It sucks. You are an amazing photographer and just need to keep on keeping on. Don’t let this get you down. You’re doing the right thing. And I totally understand you don’t have time to write everyone back … I never hold it against you. I still think you’re awesome. 🙂
I’m so sorry and so ANGRY that you, a sweet, adorable, talented, caring, sharing, fun, compassionate, INSPIRING, creative and wonderful person has this happen to you by cowardly people. They SUCK and you don’t deserve this. It’s easy to take inspiration from others, but that’s just plagiarism and I WISH you’d front all of them out, but it’s not easy to do. I ALWAYS google every client and spouse name to see if anything ever pops up, but some lie I’m sure. Too easy to ramble, so I’ll stop. I hope this is over for you after this. I LOVE and ADORE your work and every.single.day I’m thrill to see your blog pop up on my Google Reader and you make me laugh, smile, cry and envious that I don’t photograph my child more in this way. Good luck and ((HUGS)). Thank you for sharing your experience and keep up the awesome work. Those losers need to get a life and if they can’t do it on their own, then go bag groceries somewhere!
That’s really unbelievable! I’m sorry you’ve been targeted and victimized like this. You’re right. You didn’t do anything wrong, and there’s no reason you should have to be silent.
I’ve never commented before (I don’t think), but I started following your blog a few weeks ago. I grew up in Chalmette. Before Katrina hit, I had already moved just north of Houston. So we had lots of family (19 people!) come stay with us for a couple of weeks. My parents lost two homes in the storm – one in Chalmette and one in Slidell. They have since bought another one in Slidell and rebuilt on Lake Pontchartrain. Anyway, I just wanted to say that your story (as I read back through your archives) hit home for me in many ways. It’s been so hard watching my family and friends go through all they went through after the storm. I can only imagine how hard it was for y’all. I’m glad you’re settled in a non-hurricane place now. (But I’m sorry to hear that people are taking advantage of you.)
ugh i’m sorry lyndsay! you don’t deserve this. hang in there!
Hi Lyndsay, I’m typically just a lurker and admirer but this post really got to me!! You are one strong and controlled lady. In my opinion, which is anything but professional, I say you have EVERY right to go to bat for yourself in whatever manner you see fit! Especially, after this warning! It’s sad to me that people can be so dishonest but know that no matter how many words they steal of yours they could NEVER steal nor even imitate your talent! I know that makes this none the easier but you are CRAZY TALENTED!!! I wish my husband and I still lived in TX!!!
Lyndsay, I’m so sorry this has happened to you, but I can totally relate. I had not had my site up for more than a few weeks, when another photographer in my very small town decided to “update” her site to include the very information I had listed on my site. She hadn’t updated her site to that extent in almost two years and prior to my site going live, had a very plain jane site with very little text detail. I suddenly came on the scene and she did an overhaul of her site, taking bits and pieces of my text and adding things that made her site a diluted version of mine. It was disheartening to say the least. I too decided to put something on my blog about it. And at the time, just starting out, really only my friends and family read the blog… but I needed to express my hurt and shock about the situation. She denied my accusations, despite the fact that her friends and family commented on my blog in her defense… even though I never stated explicitly on my blog who the photographer was or even that she was a “she”. She later wrote me a very nasty email telling me what a horrible Christian I was throwing another photographer under the bus, that I thought too highly of myself, that I was someone she would never want to be like. She claimed she would NEVER peruse my site again, yet she does and continues to add things to her blog; most recently storyboards, that are exactly like mine. It’s sad. So I get where you are coming from. Big ups to you for posting this and being willing to call it like it is.
Yeah you go girl. Just say that it is not ok. I totally believe in it. How can you be unique if you are copying the words of someone else. Seriously.
But I also have to say. Even photographers need pictures taken by photographers, they maybe don’t want to “steel” from you and just want to have lovely pictures of there families taken by YOU. (At least that is what I want to believe in)
Oh Lyndsay I am so so sorry. Good for you for standing up for yourself and going public with it. People just don’t get it sometimes. And those that DO get it and continue to do it deserve to be called out on it and put through the wringer.
WOW. I’m shocked and truly sorry for what you have been through. I come to your blog often…as a newer photographer I find you to be a huge inspiration. I can’t imagine having the guts (or desire) to steal from you…how sad 🙁 I don’t get it either. Photography is such a personal thing…WHAT would cause someone to pretend to be someone whom they are not? Just continue to be YOU and you will always come out ahead. Thank you for being honest on your blog and for all the inspiration 🙂
Unbelievable!! Some people have a lot of balls is all I have to say! I’m sorry you are going through this …Be strong and keep your head up 🙂
I love your site and I cannot believe that you have been dealing with this. That’s intellectual theft! I’m so sorry that people are so crummy. These people will get what they deserve
You are an excellent photographer and a gifted writer. I am sorry that people are not being up front with you and with themselves!
So sorry to hear that Lyndsay. In a profession where creativity is at the heart of it, how can anyone steal someone else’s work? Shameful.
Lyndsay, I am so sorry that you have to deal with this and I definitely think enough is enough. I sure hope you don’t have to take your inspiring photos and funny stories to a password protected site. I will definitely miss them.
Wow, I am sitting here baffled. I cannot imagine going through all of this! You have always been extremely professional, and have done so today also! I respect your work, and laugh and learn from your family. I have been follwoing your blog from way back when (right after Katrina…I think!)! Bless you and your family, and I will keep your family in my prayers in the hopes of this not happening again in order for you to do what you love to do so much!!
I’m sitting here in front of my computer with my jaw literally on the floor. It fell more the deeper I read into the problems you’ve been experiencing. I hate to think that you’d have to keep your talent secret from everyone across the country who loves your work… shame on those people who are taking that away from everyone else. I remember a few months ago you went througha similar situation, which is why you don’t share as much anymore… right? Gah, the nerve of some people. You have every right to be upset. They’re stealing from every inch of you.
Wow. I am truly shocked and deeply sorry to to hear this. The world sometimes just doesn’t make sense to me.
I am absolutely baffled. You need to get a lawyer ASAP… at least contact PPA (you’re a member, right?) and talk to their copyright lawyers.
Who in their right mind would be that dumb? PLEASE call them out!!! And THANK YOU for saying something about this. I had no idea this was even something I may one day (when I’m an ounce as good as you) have to worry about! Ugh, I’m furious for you.
People suck. I’m a lurker on your site– found you through the nest– but I’ve become addicted following your often hillarious musings. And your work is so amazing you can bet I’ve looked carefully through your site and made special notations in my baby budget so I can hire you. If you do password protect I hope you call all those horrible people out publicly so I can bash them for taking away my moments of laughter when your get a particularly candid shot of Taryn or Teagan or moments of hope in seeing how wonderful a person Ty is. Just remember not all silent readers are bad… I’m one of your biggest fans just don’t talk about it much!
Hi, Just another lurker here (I just found your blog about a month ago) coming out to say that I love your work. It inspires me to get out my lil old camera and take some more pictures of my family, and it also inspires me to learn more about my camera. I’m so sorry that you’ve had to deal with all of that- it’s really unbelievable. But I mainly just wanted to say thanks for sharing your beautiful work!
Wow! I too, am shocked! Your post is very articulate and completely professional. Im glad you are sticking up for yourself and be willing to call these people out. They deserve it! good for you!
Wow. I am so sorry this happened to you. I think you are amazing and for people to steal your identity and be deceiving…is terrible! Ever since I have become a photographer myself, I realize the importance of giving credit when using photos. For example- google images. Now- I would never post a random picture b/c I dont want people to think I took it, I give credit where it is supposed to be given. I do right click pictures though b/c I like to see the exif data. Most blogs dont allow that, but some do. Anyhow- I am really sorry. I think you did the right thing by saying this on your blog. Shame on those people near you and any of them who did this. Have you considered blocking their IP address? I think you might be able to do that for your website or blog…or both? You can check their IP address on their comments if your using wordpress at least.
Applause for posting this. I know it must have taken a lot out of you to write this. I’m sorry this is happening to you. It’s your originality and talent that will shine through in the end! I can’t stand people who step on others to get what they want. Thanks for stepping up and saying this. Hopefully at least one person will listen to what you have to say and make a change for the better….
Ugh what a total nightmare. I am sorry you are dealing with this, I am glad you are taking a stand against the shady people that will ultimately fail in this industry.
Hey Lynds. I’m totally and completely in shock over this. I can’t believe that people would pose to be clients. What nerve!! And…steal your stuff and who you are…I really don’t get it. Especially people in your own town…they really didn’t think you would find out??
Okay, enough of that! You have handled this with grace and dignity and deserve to hold your head up high. I’m sorry you have to go through all this!!
Big hugs, and know you have lots and lots of support.
Love ya…Heather
I am absolutely disgusted by this. As a newbie who is trying to build my buisness the honest way, I find myself drawn to photographers like you for inspiration, but would never dream of copying or plagerizing your work!! I’m so sorry this has happened to you.
Oh, this is terrible. Unfortunately this is happening more and more and it has to stop! After a few more photographers’ blogs went private recently I was thinking about yours (since I LOOOOVE yours), and I was thankful that it’s not happening to your art; but now I see that you were just being silent about it. I am self learning everything about photography and take pride in what I achieve. Since photographers are selling their talent, I don’t see what those people are offering, stolen goods and identity? I see WHY they would want their family’s photos taken by you, but I really don’t get why not say who you are, what can you gain by deception? Wouldn’t you give them the same contract if you knew they were photographers? I am glad you are not just sitting back anymore, speak up, this has got to stop!
well said, sister!
I am so sorry this has happened to you, I have heard of this happening but I didn’t realize that it was such a big problem. I am starting my photography business and wow, scary! For all of your hard work to bw affected by this. My heart goes out to you and your sweet family!
I’m so sorry you had to go through this 🙁
I’m proud of what you did though .. stand up for yourself ..
I hope this doesn’t continue for you .. You deserve the best!!!
HUGS!! xo
Wow, that’s unbelievable. I’d like to say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery but clearly a line has been crossed here more often than once. I’m sorry you’re experiencing this.
HI Lyndsay, I’ve made a few comments in the past, but for th emost part am just a quiet long time lurker who thoroughly enjoys and respects your work. I am at a loss for words that this has happened to you. It’s sick. I am so glad you went public with the info and I hope your message is herad loud and clear. Never worry about this being unprofessional, if anything, I think this was handled with SUCH professionalism and class. YOur work andyour words amaze and inspire me daily! Blessing.
Boston, MA
Good for you! Stealing is stealing now matter how you look at it. It’s one thing to get creative ideas from someone else, but to outright copy is wrong. It’s scary starting a new business when I find out these kinds of things can happen. Hopefully everything will turn out ok for you in the end!
Good for you. I respect you for standing up for yourself and saying something, I don’t think it makes you look or sound unprofessional. I’m so sorry this is happening to you and especially those so called “pros” posing as clients, I couldn’t respect someone as a photographer, or even a person if they did that to me. For the longest time I was debating posting pics of the kids I watch on my flickr, if someone stole my identy and their pics I’d be livid so I don’t blame you for getting upset about this because I know I would have to.
I just have to say you’re truely an inspiration to me, both photography wise and now business wise. I hope things change for you soon and get easier.
Oh Lyndsay! I’m so sorry that all of this is going on for you! I think as a professional photog, we all are constantly wondering who might be misusing our work-it’s pretty frustrating! It’s sad that although we do love to look at what other photogs are doing for inspiration, that people don’t have enough class to respect others creative ideas. You are brave to stand up for your rights since it seems to be spiraling out of control-good for you! I know in the small-town area where I live, it’s pretty cut-throat. Suffice it to say that photogs here are not friends-pretty sad in the fact that I cannot find someone I would be comfortable with shooting my own family….and I desperately need family pics!
Kudos to you for standing up for yourself, your family and your business. I would not hesitate to call the thieves out, nor would I think less of you for doing so. I hope you can continue to share your beautiful photography and your family with us!
Wow….I’m so sorry you’ve been going through that! It’s amazing how small-minded some people are. I know that many would consider being copied as flattering, but it’s someone being too lazy to create their own identity. I found your blog through the Nest and have been following it for so long…you’ve worked too damn hard to keep quiet when you are wronged like this. Way to speak up and I hope that crap stops!!!!
Wow–this it is beyond ridiculous that you have to deal with this. I just started a photography business in Austin, and I read a lot of photography blogs, and, yes, they are inspiring, but I would never let them direct my work, much less copy something directly!
Do you have the capability to disable right clicks? This would make it just a little bit harder for someone to blatantly rip you off. I’m grateful for what you do share–your stories about your family are so heartening, and it is just sickening that someone would steal from even that aspect.
I am at an utter loss for words. People never cease to amaze. I’m so sorry this happened to you. I agree, though. Stand up to it.
Lyndsay, so very sorry to hear about all of the above… Such a violation, on many levels. You are not being unprofessional in speaking about this. It has to be said. And I’m proud of you for standing up for yourself.
Good for you for posting and standing up for yourself. People dont’ get it, this is our LIVELYHOOD.
OMG, Lyndsay, how awful. I know you are on top of things. One thing I can assure you (and I’m sure deep down in your heart you know this) that no matter how much they steal and try to pretend to be you, they can never be you! Keep your head up and keep fighting for your family.
BTW, I didn’t realize you could still right click on your blog. If you want to email me – I’ll tell you how to disable it here, because I used to have the same blog template (I recently upgraded, and that automatically prevents the right click without you having to do anything!).
I’ve come back to your blog several times trying to find the right words.. and nothing is coming. I’m shocked. I know you don’t know me, and I don’t really KNOW you either, but I’m a faithful reader and admire you in more ways that I can say here. I love you for YOU- and I think it’s super sad that people are using you and your greatness for their own benefit. I WISH I lived ANYWHERE Near you and could reap the benefits of your talent- but I read it from afar and would be WAY sad to not have that chance anymore. I hope things start going better. You’re right- enough is enough. You Go.
That is terrible. People are just crazy anymore. I am so sorry this happened to you. You are a wonderful person, mother, wife, photographer, blogger. You do not deserve this.
So sorry this has happened to you. Just reading your post got my blood boiling…the gall of some people is just incredible. I have been preparing a website and refuse to even look at other people’s wording–it is just wrong. But, unfortunately people who looks at the sites knows who copied who!
Do not be silent. We will support you!! Let me at them!
Lyndsay, Wow! 🙁 I am a new photographer starting out, it would never even occur to me to pose as a client! I can’t believe that happened–it makes me sad, really! I think you handled it great, though, and just remember–KARMA. 🙂 I hope that things start to get better and you have a great week!
so sorry you’re having to deal with all of this, L! Blech!
Wow. Unbelievable of someone to do. But I believe it. I know it happens. All.the.time. And it’s horrible. Why can’t people be themselves? Those that copy will end up with what they deserve. As you said, your business is thriving. I hope this stops for you. As someone who has read your blog for a long time (and I mean LONG time…back to when it was on the mac site and when you were first starting photography) I can tell you it’s been an honor to follow along as you have grown from a mom who liked to take pictures to serious hobbyist to artist. You deserve all the good things that come your way. Keep your head up!
WOW. You are completely justified in being absolutely irate and calling people out publicly in this. I’m shocked this has happened to such a degree to you and I’m so sorry. I can’t believe people are stooping to this level.
Unbelievable, and sad. How can anyone with a conscience do stuff like this? I’m sorry this is happening to you. Shame on those who took your work and stole your identity. I hope it doesn’t continue, or happen ever again.
I don’t live far from you. I recently found your blog and I’ve often looked at your website and been inspired to find a way to express myself as well as you. That being said, copying would have been easy, but it wouldn’t be ME.
And when I do call you (when my husband comes home from Iraq) I won’t be posing as a client….I’ll be a plain ol’ client.
I’m sorry that this happened to you…
I’m glad you said something, Lyndsay! Hopefully those idiots will think twice now.
TEAM LYNDSAY!!!!!! We should make shirts….
I’m sorry you are going through this. Stay strong.
Lyndsey…I am so sorry that you are having to deal with this. You should be proud that you are standing up for you and your family 🙂
Unbelievable! You are so talented and I can’t believe people would even try to be you! Good for you in standing up for yourself. You shouldn’t sit back and take any of it. I hope all these thieves are embarrased and humiliated for what they have done.
It’s TEAM LYNDSAY for me all the way!!
Wow Lyndsey! I’m so sorry this has been happening to you. However, I believe you should take it as a compliment! Your work is so beautifully done — everyone wants to be JUST LIKE YOU! But, I can understand how you feel about it ruining your business/life.
I would just hate for others’ bad actions don’t ruin it for all of us loyal blog readers. 🙂
You can get through this, you are the strong one. Hurricane Katrina set y’all back but you didn’t let her win, and neither is this. Stay strong S family!
Well said Lyndsay…well said. I applaud you choosing to stand up for your profession, your creativity and most importantly, your values, and can I add- doing so in a professional manner!
Best of luck in overcoming this obstacle. I’m here to help if you need anything!
Oh my gosh, that is horrible! I am so sorry that you are going through this L. Sending a big hug your way!
Oh, wow! I’d never imagine! It really does make you wonder what people were taught growing up, doesn’t it?
I’m not a regular commenter, but I do read religiously. And have even hoped of maybe getting you to take our pictures if we come back to Texas next January. (we live in Nebraska but have a daughter with a medical condition that required surgery in San Antonio)
If you do make the blog private I hope that I can be honored with knowing how to get in!!!!
Hugs with it all, and you’re a stronger person than I to call them out!! Keep strong, and know that us loyal readers/clients will always be there for you honestly!
Lyndsay, I’ve never commmented on your blog before, but I have followed your blog for a while (I was on thenest) and I am so saddened by how many blogs I read that this is happening to. Some people just don’t have lives I guess. I hope that their is some way to stop people from copywriting but eventually they will find a loop hole somewhere. Your life to so precious and you are extremely blessed. Good luck!
Oh Lyndsey, that totally sucks 🙁 Sending happy thoughts, and big hugs your way!
HI! I did not read this while posting, but the parts I did read make me a little scared… 🙁 I am getting ready to put up my new website and I have to make sure things like this don’t happen to me… I know there is a way because on the pinkle toes site.. if you make a right click a message come up warning against stole pictures! (I know this because I am an awful speller and any time I write on her page I have to spell check everything in word because of the right click.. i will do it 100 time a day if I have too) 🙂 but that does not protect against the evil mac user (not all mac users are evil.. i know I am one) I would talk to your site designer to find out the way to do this. I know on flickr there is a way to make sure that people do not steal you images from your page, yet it does not work if you post the link anywhere (including groups which is why I do not do this anymore)There must be a way to do it on a site… It is very upsetting when people still images of your work… posting as you and posing as a client is just unbelievable. There has to be a way that digital artist out there can protect there work, but it is something that we all have to deal with. People are not honest, but you have to promote yourself.. so what do you do? I am so sorry that this happen.. I follow you blog daily and I love all your work! you have inspired me to purse a career in birth photographer.. I wish I lived in your area so I could be a student 🙂 Good luck and hope that this all blows over soon!
Sorry just one more from me… I would be happy to ask my web designers how they have protected my images.. you can’t pull the images off (mac) or right click to save (pc)
Check it out.. it is just my work in progress page.. but still they have protected me! Good Luck
My word, i’m just fed up for you, that totally downright sucks. I’m sorry Lynds, you rock and so does your work, just keep doing what you are doing. We love your art and it is so low of other people to steal. Be assured you have a huge band of supporters here and I do not think you are unprofessional, not in the least bit.
I was just thinking and i was wondering, what do i need to do to get a copyright for my websit and stuff? I know your busy but i don’t even know where to start. thanks!
Wow. I just don’t get it. As a growing business owner myself I have frequently asked other business owners in similar industries how they do things, what kind of practices they use, etc. But I never would outright steal from another business owner. Particularly photos! I’m always appreciative of whatever photos that photographers send me, and I notify them/get permission (and give them big props!) when I use the images from their blog. I’m a firm believer in sharing biz practices that work in order to help someone else out, but the dishonesty surprises me. 🙁 Sorry you are dealing with this!
Im so glad that you said this, I have had simalar things happen to me, it sucks and im going to start talking about it also…you rock and whoever is doing that to you is lame!
Photographers can be vultures sometimes!!! Good for you for calling them out:)
Ahh, seriously?!! You are far too talented for anyone to even CONSIDER playing in your park! I can’t believe all of this. Just chalking up yet another vote of support for you…you rock!
on my blog I have the ‘right click disabled’…can you do this on yours? when people right click on any image it just says ‘copyright tynan photography’…
CALL THEM OUT!!! people that copy are untrustworthy! As a client I would want to know that the photographer I am hiring is the real deal and not a fake! People should know to avoid THIEVES like that. Call em out! they should be publicly punished for STEALING from you!
I am so sorry this has all happened to you! Good for you for sticking up for yourself and your work. Shame on them.
I just found your blog today through a Flickr friend. I cannot believe you’ve had these experiences – how appalling. I’m sorry for you. I hope this post results in a change for the better. I actually follow several Austin photographers (there seems to be a wealth of talent in Texas!) and am sad to know that the talent there is being violated… I hope that none of the photog blogs I’ve added to my favorites is a copy of yours!
Lyndsey, I can’t believe people are doing this to you! I really hope they give it up and work out that they need to be themselves with their own creativity! I am an avid reader of your blog, and you’re such a tallented photographer! I hope you get it all sorted out soon!
GOOD FOR YOU! It’s really too bad that people have to be that way. It’s good that you’re taking a stand. Those people should be called out and embarassed publicly! That’s so wrong! You’re so talented and seem like such a nice person. You don’t deserve that!
amen sista!! i’m sorry this is happening to you. but we got your back!!!
I’m so sorry to hear this, but I think you handled it very well. The fact is: Some people really need to get a life.
What a shame! You did the right thing, and well done for standing up for yourself and your work.
I am so sorry that you are having to go through this! It’s shocking what people will do. Shame on them! And good for you for speaking out about it. I’m a long time lurker and reader of your blog and love following the adventures of you, your family, and your business. I hope you can find a way to resolve this so you can keep on sharing.
That is positively awful. I’ve also had parts of my website ripped off and it is so stressful and you feel so violated. The ‘photographers’ (I use the term very loosely) doing these things don’t have any creativity whatsoever and imo shouldn’t be in business at all if they have to cheat and steal their way to success. Way to go for standing up and telling everyone that this is not ok!!
WOW!!! I’m glad you are standing up for yourself! You have every right!!! I am sad for you, but I truly hope it doesn’t drive you into the black hole of privacy. Some of us, most of us don’t steal from you…we are utterly inspired by you and I would hate to miss out on that because of a few lame people!
I cannot believe this happened to you! I am a photographer about an hour (ish) south of you, and it’s scary to know this is happening in our own backyard. I hope things get straightened out quickly and people start respecting other peoples property – and that includes words and pictures! Thank you for posting this in a professional manner that shows a person can stand their ground and yet still maintain the utmost professionalism. Kudos to you! – Melissa Rodriguez, Photography by Melissa R, http://photographybymelissar.blogspot.com
Wow, I can’t believe you are going through this. These people do not deserve anonymity.
Wow, that is beyond words. I am so sorry someone did this to you!!!
Lyndsey, I am so sorry you are going through this. As another local Austin photographer I am outraged and saddened for you. As a business owner and mother of small children I know how much you give up to create artwork for your clients. You don’t have time for this–what a waste of your precious time. Your blog is a blessing and an inspiration. I have been following your work for some time now and every time I read your blog my spirits are lifted and I leave with a smile on my face. Call them out next time girl. I would want to know if I was hiring a photographer that was dishonest. Verbiage copying is terrible, but images…come on. Are you kidding?! Sorry you are going through this.
I shouldn’t be surprised this happened to you – I used to get the same crap from other wedding planners when I first started out. There are only a dozen or so planners here so it didn’t last too long! No one was as crazy to try and steal my identity though!
I can’t believe this is happening….again….and again. It is so unacceptable, and just plain scary that someone in this field, where you have to be judged on your talent, I mean, that is what people are paying for, would STEAL YOUR IDENTITY!!! That is what they are doing, posing as you, pretending to have your talent, what happens when someone books THEM based on YOUR talent!!! Just so so so sad. I totally say call them out, link their site, you are not being unprofessional, they are the definition of unprofessional. So sorry this is happening Lyndsay, you don’t deserve it.
incredible. people are SO LAME.
I am so sorry that u are having this done to u…I also am from a small town and have had this done to me on SEVERAL occasions
This is so sucky!! I am finding that in this business, you have to have a mushy soft heart but a strong and solid spine, too. Lots of people to adore and develop personal/professional relationships with (as a photographer, the line separating the two is thin), and lots of work to protect yourself, your art, your business, as you are finding. I haven’t even begun to deal with that yet….
Thanks for posting. I’ve been devouring your site since I found your blog yesterday. Did you know that your birth slideshow for Amerlyn is burning up Facebook like a wildfire? It’s HUGE and circling around the Portland, OR area like crazy! It’s so beautiful, and you are so incredibly talented.
You are an inspiration.
I hope people come away inspired to find their own vision for their own art and business and stop trying to become a carbon copy of you. Besides, they are digging their own hole since they can’t back it up!
Wow, that’s terrible! I’m so sorry to hear that these other photographers out there do not have the confidence to stand on their own and be themselves. They are also taking huge short cuts by coping another’s hard work which will bite them big time in the end, but in the mean time is so terrible and invasive to you and your business. I don’t think that it is in any form unprofessional to call them out from now on…they are being lazy and as you mentioned it’s illegal. Sincerely, Juli