Teagan fell asleep in my arms yesterday evening after nursing. I had to put him down in his crib for a few minutes and when I came back it struck me just how fabulous he is. Total snapshot, one of those, hold the camera up over my head, don’t look through the viewfinder and shoot, random ones, but it makes me smile.
Totally stretched out, binkie spit out across the crib (man he can get some distance sometimes!), chubbies hanging out, one sock (only halfway on), chillin in his super cute "handsome" getup…
Thanks Alli for the cute little outfit, I can’t believe it fits him already!!
This one was a little more thought out…but doesn’t give you the full picture 😉
Oh, we woke up to craziness this morning. 5:45 am and it was storming like mad. Within about a minute I jumped up out of bed, grabbed the baby and told Jase to be ready to grab Taryn. Ty was already up and out of bed. Hail was hitting the house, lightning was flashing constantly and the thunder was loud. I was afraid we were about to be hit by a tornado. We all got up and got ready. I’m surprised the hail didn’t break any of the windows on the house, it was hitting sideways on one side of the house really hard! Thankfully the storm passed and all is well, but what a scary way to wake up. Ty and I went and peeked at the hail in the front yard before it started to melt, nickel sized and it looked like it had snowed. Crazy.
A little plug for the 3T’s & Me blog…I updated it for this week with a few shots of Ty & I.
How about a flash back Friday???
I love the one sock off. 🙂 So precious!