PCS = Photographer Child Syndrome
It’s an adjective that describes the actions of a child who is overly photographed due to having a photographer as a parent. This term is most commonly used by photographers when describing their own children in frustration. This condition is rampant, just as any pro with kiddos at home. Exhibit A:
Little stinker.
I love this bathing suit my mom bought for T, I’m soooo mad at myself for forgetting to bring it on our beach trip though. I had big plans for it! Then when I tried to do a little shoot with T at my mom’s house when we got back from the beach, she wasn’t all that cooperative. We ended up giving her the hose just to get her to stay put a bit. I may try again soon.
Oh, I have so much blogging to catch up on. I am desperately trying to get settled in and through so many of the images (and emails) I owe people. Bear with me as I catch up on the first 5 TTD sessions, Calla’s 6 month photos, the Slidell mini sessions, Steph’s TTD and I’ve got to get ready for Taryn’s 3rd birthday party! Busy times but I’ll post as I get through it all….it may not be in chronological order though =)
Wow the color on these is AMAZIN! And that suit is TOOOO adorable!
I must know where she got that suit. I love it!! Girl, you do have some major catching up to do- I don’t envy you. Hope you all had a great weekend! We miss Super T!
i know exactly how you feel. my DS said to me the other day when i tried to take a photo of him ‘do you have to take a picture of everything i do!?’.
That suit is super cute! Of course, so is she 🙂
hahaha. Too cute. my little monster is still too young to escape me, but my husband has a severe case of “phs” because if I so much as pick up the camera in his presence he covers his face or sticks his hand over my lens. LOL.
Loving the photos; relating completely to the syndrome. Okay, a technical question which I realize will be on the bottom of the to-do list because you’ve got a lot on your plate right now (totally get that one too). The colors in these photos are brilliant. Beautifully saturated, but not at all overdone and not in any way muddy. Are you using an action for these or are you just using your own technique? Again, bottom of the list. Thanks for sharing and for making us feel better about life with a PCS child.
Howdy! Where is Taryns bathing suit from? So cute….
Check out this photogs slide show I just came accross. It’s a trash the dress session like you did. http://www.bobbiebush.com/ttd/
Your work, words, and family continue to amaze me. Glad you had a nice vacation!
I never got back to you after your sweet and honest replies to the -ask me anything post-. I am sorry to hear of your (and Ty’s) loss of his dad/ your ex.
Seems like things have turned around nicely for both of you, but that was an awful hand to be dealt at such a young age. You are a strong, brave, & talented woman!
Keep up the good work and inspriation to so many! Jeannine
She is so cute – great shots!
Love the vibrant colors! My sister worked at a pre-school for a semeseter (it was for her Child Development class in high school) and at Halloween time they would take a picture of each child in their costume.
One little girl had a photographer father and she would cry every time she would see a camera – no matter who was holding it!
🙂 Becky
i love this series of photos! T is so cute!