After a wonderful 8 day vacation in Louisiana and Orange Beach, Alabama, we’re home. It was so wonderful to see our family and spend some quality time with everyone. It was a blast showing off Teagan too. I took so many photos, and it still doesn’t feel like enough. One thing I learned, it is A LOT harder to travel with 3 kids than it is with 2. Well, maybe it’s my kids, but man, does Teagan hate the car. Makes it really, really difficult. But we did it. And it was still tons of fun. Now we’re home and in our standard "let’s all be depressed and start counting the days until the next gee-gee visit" moods.
So that this post isn’t a downer, I’ll leave you with this until I get to proofing some of the pics from our trip…(including all those fun Slidell mini-sessions, Steph’s trash the dress and I even managed to twist the arms of my step-brother and sister-in-law enough to get them in front of the camera together for the first time in years! go me!). Thought this might make you smile……
Super T is vicious, and I mean, vicious, with the water hose. No mercy. Especially not for her older brother.
ahhhh, I’m off to sleep in my own bed, sweet joy!
LOL … priceless! Glad you had a wonderful trip and I look forward to the amazing pictures!!!!!
I am glad that your family had such a nice trip! I can’t wait to see the pictures! By the way, what type of sling is your hubby wearing Teagan in? It looks really comfy!
I’m glad you all made it home safely! I know it will be sooo nice to sleep in your own bed though. 🙂 Can’t wait to see all the pics (including mine, hee hee!)