This is how we found her this morning. I guess she called for us by the gate and we didn’t hear her. Probably all that sleep inducing turkey we scarfed down. She was too tired to head back to her warm bed, so she just crashed with her head in the corner. Silly girl. Today I am thankful for so many things….funny little girls who falls asleep in crazy places. For my husband who makes me smile, shares little secrets and drives me crazy. For my son who is bright and smart and witty. For my spunky daughter is who “most thankful for cupcakes”….can’t really blame her, can you? I am thankful for pudgy little hands that reach up to me, sweet baby kisses and sleepy grins from our beautiful, healthy baby.
So, so many things to be thankful for….a wonderful dinner with wonderful friends, rockin blog readers who helped with turkey cooking (thank you!) and you know what the best part of today is….it’s Christmas time!! Yahoo! 28 days and counting until I see my mom!!
Lol, that’s a great picture! I love it when little kids fall asleep in weird places, why can’t I do that?;)
That silly girl! Let the countdown begin!! I am WAY MORE excited than you cuz I have 5 people I’ve been missing and you only have one!
Just found your site…… wow! Really beautiful work! I will return!!
omg that is sooo cute and funny. I especially love the fact that she is tightly clutching a stuffed animal (if that is what that is??). also love your arched doorways!
What an adorable picture!
Happy Thanksgiving!
That is hillarious! Don’t you wish you could do that sometimes?? I do