sweet baby, who woke too early from his nap. who looked up me from his crib, still sleepy, but eyes open. on any other day, your sister would have followed me in, with bouncy 3 year old energy. you would have looked at her, your eyes would get big and bright and you’d smile at her and then laugh. just like you always do. and you’d be up. and awake. ready to play. but today, that little 3 year old ball of energy was in school, and the house was quiet. you looked up at me, i scooped you in to my arms with your favorite blankie, and we rocked. you laid in my arms, quiet, just gazing at me. and i gazed right back. i rubbed your cheeks and smiled at you. and we rocked some more. you never moved a muscle, you were rarely, perfectly, still. except for one small moment when you reached your pudgy little hand up to touch my cheek, just like i was touching yours. and after awhile, you fell asleep, so quiet in my arms. i rocked some more, just enjoying you. i placed you back into your crib and you snuggled up to your blankie. just before i turned to leave your nursery, your little eyes still closed, you reached one arm back and touched my hand. all i could think was i love you too sweet baby.
the quiet moments are rare
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Awwww, made me teary!!
so precious! being a mom is the best thing ever! your kids are beautiful…
That is so beautiful!!!
What a perfect description of a great mommy moment!
how precious…..I think I might cry!
You should print that – with the photo – and keep it. such a sweet moment
so sweet!
ok, teary over here too…::sigh::…I need to make of the babies.
He is just beautiful.
My gosh he is just precious!
As if I didn’t already want a baby enough… now I just want one more.
{off to convince my husband it’s time to get this baby-making show on the road!}
Awww. So sweet. They grow up way too quickly, right?
This is just so sweet..I agree, you should definitely save this.
I savor every moment I can with my sweet baby boy- especially ones like this. Rocking them, holding them…it’s the best feeling. Thanks for sharing. It warmed my heart!
Such a special moment in time that you have captured…so precious!!!
There really isn’t anything cuter than a peacefully sleeping baby.