for all the well wishes and prayers, we appreciate them more than you know.
teagan is doing well. we expected him to scream and cry when they took him from us to go into the OR but he did fantastic, not even a tear shed. coming out of surgery was another story. he was scared, in pain and very disoriented. but after lots of extra cuddles today and some extra rest, he’s doing very well. i will still be a little scarce and slow to reply to emails as my little man needs my attention and jase returns to a full day of work tomorrow. thanks again!
and a huge thank you to my dear friend, for letting us drop off our middle monkey at the crack of dawn and carting her all over town with you today. we appreciate it more than you know….and since I can’t post without a pic, here is your monkey, looking cuter than ever ((((and like a big girl, not a baby!))))….
hugs to the little guy. Hope his recovery is smooth!
Glad to hear Teagan is doing well!
So glad he is doing well!
so glad the little man is doing well!!
So glad to hear he is doing okay. I hope he recovers quickly and is back to his normal happy self very soon!
Glad to hear Teagan’s doing well. You all will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Hope things go well with Teagan! Our oldest had cleft palate surgery when she was 1 1/2, she was so pitiful coming out of surgery and just wanted mommy and some cuddles. Sending good thoughts your way, it’s never fun watching your little one go through stuff like that!
Such wonderful news that he is doing so well:) I will continue praying that his recovery is quick:)
So glad to hear that Teagan is doing okay. Been thinking of you guys.
Glad to hear he’s doing well 😉
I know first hand how it is to care for a little guy after surgery…no fun at all! Enjoy the extra cuddles and snuggles and remember to take care of YOU too. Do something extra special nice for yourself when this is all over!
hugs to the little man! I hope he recovers real quick 🙂
That is great news!!!
So glad to hear that Teagan is doing well