The Gee came to my rescue today. She showed up with a smile and worked her tail off, packed the kitchen, entertained Taryn, changed diapers, picked up Ty from school and even took out the trash. I don’t know what I would have done without her today, I’ve been awake since 3:30 am and feeling pretty bad all day. Very sore and crampy from over doing it while packing yesterday. Thanks Mom, you rock.
Moving truck arrives first thing in the morning. We’re exhausted, and not quite ready. Our last night in the house….is, yup, you guessed it, total chaos.
Moms rock! Hope you feel better & happy moving. =)
Good Luck with the Move! I hope you and the family are very happy there. Katrina took something away from all of us that we can’t get back. Some more than others. I hope your new start in a new place will be just what you guys need. I wish you guys the best of luck and was so happy we got to meet and hang out on our occasional lunch outings. You guys are super sweet! Don’t forget to keep in touch. You have my email.
Take care – Stacy
Moms are truly the best peope we could ask for. Good luck with the move and hope you feel better soon. Can’t wait to check back and see new pictures and an updated blog after you get settled.
You are being a total rock star through all this chaos! I don’t know how you do it. I hope that once you get to Texas and unpack (just a little), you’ll be able to take a few days and just RELAX! Good luck. 🙂
Happy Moving Day! I hope you have a safe trip and take it easy settling in!
Yay for moms saving the day!! 🙂 I hope you have an easy move..! Good luck!