It took me almost 8 months to finish these, a couple of things I think about when watching it…..
- Anne Marie is an awesome friend. She showed up, used my camera and hers, photographed Teagan’s birth and then stayed with me for support when they whisked Teagan away. If you go back and watch Anne Maries birth slideshow from when Calla was born, you’ll even recognize some of the same nurses. Thank you Anne Marie for all your hard work and your time, you did an awesome job, we are forever grateful.
- I didn’t do much editing. I cropped and converted into black and white and not much else. I wanted them to be real, grainy, dark, bright, whatever they are, just real.
- It may seem weird to see me having a contraction while on the phone….but it was my mom. So hard to be away from her. She was there during labor when Ty and Taryn were born. I needed to hear her voice.
- Knowing now how Taryn felt about having a new baby in the house in the early days, her t-shirt she’s wearing cracks me up. It says “Trouble is spelled B.R.O.T.H.E.R.” LOL!
- Ty is amazingly attentive when I’m pregnant. All 9 months. He’s awesome. Always wanted to wait on me, prop up my feet, sit next to me and rub the palm of my hand. He’s the same way when I’m in labor. He stayed in the room until it was time to push with Taryn and took such good care of me, wrote everything in a journal, etc. I think you’ll be able to tell by these photos that Teagan’s labor was no different. Ty is an amazing kid. Oh, and he loved the monitors and my cool glowing ET finger.
- I did not include the photo of me grimacing through a contraction, jase daydreaming and taryn hiding behind the bed picking her nose. Insert me rolling my eyes here. Only in my family. 😉
- I look like crap, but I’m supposed to look like crap. Birthing is hard work. So there.
- Jason’s expression right after Teagan is born and the Dr. handing him scissors to cut the cord, cracks me up! Oh that look is priceless!
- I love my husband. He took such good care of me. During labor and especially when Teagan went to NICU. I leaned on him like never before and I can’t look at these photos and not think about how close we were in those few days.
- For those that don’t know, when Teagan was born, he was doing well but his oxygen levels were low. I got to hold him for just a moment and then he was taken to the nursery for observation. A few hours later he turned gray and when the nurse tried to stabilize him, she couldn’t, so she literally picked him up and ran him to NICU. You can read his entire birth story by CLICKING HERE. The slideshow will probably make more sense now 🙂 You can definitely sense by Jason’s expressions when things begin to change.
- We watched the slideshow together as a family and when it was over I said “Well, what do you guys think?”….Ty said “that was long”. Taryn said “I want a baby sister”. Jase said “No”. So there you have it. =)
- I wasn’t sure if I’d ever share these or just stick them in a folder somewhere for us. But I love them. They are our moments. If you’ve ever considered having the birth of your child photographed, DO IT. You won’t regret it. These images are stronger than my memory could ever be. Oh how I wish I had photos of Ty’s and Taryn’s births too. I treasure them.
These images are a big collaboration of photos Anne Marie took, photos Jase and I took once Teagan was in NICU and even some by our awesome NICU nurse, Heidi.
Wow, Lyndsay…just completely and totally amazing. Beautiful job — by all of you involved 🙂 I am lucky to know such amazing women.
That was amazing! What beautiful photos. I got teary-eyed watching it and remembering everything from that time. I still can’t believe that Jason inadvertently packed that shirt for Taryn! 🙂 Okay, I don’t care how much I have to pay you, but I so want you to photograph the birth of our next child!
Oh, and I agree with Taryn – she TOTALLY needs a little sister! Why don’t you wait a year or so, and then we can do pregnancy together! 😛
Once again, I’m a crappy friend. I still owe you some pictures! It’s been an insane week, but that’s another story for another day. Thanks for posting these. It’s sort of surreal to see them and know that I was there. And it’s even more strange to think of how far that little man’s come! Congratulations on your beautiful family.
Found your blog through Google Reader, hope you don’t mind if I comment.
I’m a wannabe photographer, just don’t have the time right now to follow the dream, but I absolutely loved the slideshow. I watched it last night, and was sobbing through it. Weird, I know, but something just hit home with me with every picture being as beautiful as they were, and then the thoughts of my delivery with my son two years ago all came rushing back to me. I would’ve loved to have had pictures like this of those special moments. I made my husband watch it (after he wondered why the heck I was crying lol!), and he also commented that they were wonderful.
Seeing pictures like these makes me want to take up this hobby so much more. They were absolutely beautiful. I would love to find someone who lives near me to do this for our next baby…
What breathtaking memories!
Lynds, those are so breathtaking. Thank you for sharing such private moments with us. I bawled through them, then called mom. It was late so she’s going to come over this weekend. I told her to get ready for a good cry! LOL! Love you!
That was beautiful! You looked great… I felt like I was there!
Oh Lyndsay, that was just the sweetest thing!!! Almost makes me want another….*almost*;) Great job by all who took the photos…love the detail stuff (like the monitors) that seem so little, but yet, I know I watched those things like crazy during my labors with my oldest two (#3 was a planned c-section).
Thank you for sharing those beautiful moments with us..
I can’t believe you only got 9 comments so far! This slideshow was amazing. Having had 4 babies, it brought me right back to the best times of my life. The pictures were amazing…not just the quality, but the moments she captured. Seeing you hug and kiss Ty and Taren was almost more than I could bear! So touching. You are amazing for sharing this slideshow. Thank you!!!
Sigh. So beautiful and emotional. No pressure, L, but I…can’t…wait!