friday | austin photographer

2010-03-05T22:08:08-06:00March 5th, 2010|My Family|

1.  SO glad friday is here.  This week was totally craptastic.  Truly, it was.  A broken vehicle remedied by trading it in.  A broken dishwasher remedied by a service call amounting to $125 for less than 15 minutes of service time.  One extremely onery 4 year old.  One 12 year old who is struggling in 3 classes and had one week (this week) to pull the grades up just under the wire.  We did it though.  And I do me ‘WE’.  One kid in urgent care for the better part of Sunday.  Same kid took a fall yesterday at the dino park and landed in the ER with a severed/sliced tongue (ouch!) and a big fat lip.